Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Request skins here!


Lord of Altera
Heres the skin RecklessSquid made for Benjim, feel free to suggest any improvements or changes you want made to the skin. If you are happy with it how it is comment below and ill post the skin file.image.jpg image.jpg


Lord of Altera
Mistaahh, ive finished your skin if you like the skin as it is please follow + leave a like. If there is anything that you want me to change about the skin, just say and ill make the improvements. If you want the skin as it is comment and ill post it below image.jpg image.jpg


Lord of Altera
Hey guys would be awesome if you could make me a skin!

Gender: Male
Skin Colour:Caucasian, fair
Colour Scheme: Darker, using black and red
Clothing/Armour: Clothes please no armour
Any other info: I really like how the eyes and mouth are done here, they are simple yet effective (the steve type eyes are okay too):

As for the features, please can I have brown eyes and dark brown hair medium length. I don't want any headgear or fancy things, just some darker (black) clothes with some red embellishments. (eg cool necklace etc)

Please try make it 'cute' if you can!
what age is the character?
also, what is his allignment?


Lord of Altera
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Skin Colour: Pale-ish tan
Colour Scheme:
Clothing/Armour: Cloak w/ hood down
Examples of clothing/other skins/screenshots:
Any other info: brunett


Lord of Altera
i assume you want the skin then mist, hereimage.jpg
if the colours are warped at all please say and ill resend the file

awaiting the 5000 moneys :) ill catch you sometime on the server


Lord of Altera
I dont like asking you to go back and do it over (it is my fault I didnt mention it) but can she have longer darker hair? I'm sorry. :oops:


Lord of Altera
Then go ahead and screw the hood. As my profile says, she has "long dark mahogany/oak colored hair, usually up in a braid"

Again, Im really sorry for being difficult


Lord of Altera
A note of thumb.. You can't be picky when I'm doing it for free.
It took me ages to texture the original skin, even with an old outfit. I did not change change the hair color, due to the fact that it took a lot to texture it to that point. I hand do it, so please.. :I

*Added Braid
*removed hood



Lord of Altera
Gender: Male
Race: Dark Elf/Wood Elf (Half/half)
Age: 73
Alignment: Chaotic Evil, but it isn't 100 % obvious.
Facial Expression: A scowl is often on my face, or something else not inviting.
Skin Colour: Black
Colour Scheme: Something on the shadowy kind of things. So no bright neon colors or anything.
Clothing/Armour: Could you make some basic leather with chain armour. Also, I would be so thankful if you could make a cape somehow!
Examples of clothing/other skins/screenshots: I'll upload a picture I found. Something like it would be great.
Any other info: I'm willing to pay some IG money if it's good. Also, thank you!leather and chain armor.jpg