Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Request skins here!


Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 16
Alignment: True Neutral
Skin Colour: Lightly tanned.
Eye Colour: Blue-grey
Hair Colour: Somewhat light brown but still dark (if that makes sense)
Colour Scheme: Whites, blues, browns, and light greys.
Clothing/Armour: (This is just for the clothing, nothing else.)

Examples of clothing/other skins/screenshots: Hair:
-(Again, just the hair structure. Not the color, etc.)
Any other info: Nothing I can think of.

Thanks so much for doing this for me, I spent so much time trying to find my own skin, but finally just gave up and decided to request one, so I'm extremely grateful that you guys are so willing to help out. I've never requested a skin before, so I'm really excited to see how it turns out! (Hope this isn't spam e~o)


Lord of Altera
sorry if it seems like im being slow about getting these skins made but my GCSEs start in 2 weeks and i have loads of coursework to complete so i dont think ill have any time for them at the moment :(. i dont think ill be able to do many until my exams finish on the 24th june but mabey... we'll see i s'pose.


Mekiebi, I tried playing around with a few ideas; not sure if it's what you're after though? Played around with the face and dress colour a bit. If you sort of like any but want changes, just let me know and I'm happy to fix it. The skin files are in an album at



Hope this is still up
New skin
Skin color/details: tanish
Hair color and style: light brown longish over one eye
Age: 16
Alignment personal code
Race: human
Eye color: green and white
Color green and white
Outfit: vest like armor sleeveless blue trim, pants long, single piece of shoulder armour
Shoes: long boots brownish
Other: Bow slung over shoulder knife death on left tricep
If you see this thank you
I can try this, but the shoulders/arms are symetrical, so either both sides or none will have the armor. Also, what do you mean by 'knife death on left tricep'?


Loyal Servant of Altera
yeah i found out about the weird symmetrical arm thing here is i clear repost of what i want

Skin color/details: tanish
Hair color and style: light brown longish over one eye
Age: 16
Alignment personal code
Race: human
Eye color: green and white
Color green and white
Outfit: white and green chest armour arms whit long sleves pants white with brown trim
Shoes: long boots brownish
Other: Bow slung over shoulder


Official Alteran
Gender: Female
Race: Wood elf
Age: 18
Alignment: ?
Facial Expression: normal
Skin Colour: paleish
Colour Scheme: dark red and gold
Clothing/Armour: Red robe
Examples of clothing/other skins/screenshots: Alicia skin.pngred robe.png
Any other info: left eye is red, right eye is blue. please keep head the sameish, here is the head: red hair.png
Not needed anymore