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Salheira Rainriver, Housekeeper of Vermella


Lord of Altera
After reading this profile to see the changes Salheira has undergone since Garet has died...
Salheira must of been scared of Garet, because /always/ wore black clothes (before the Vermella struck).
His second outfit once vermella struck, was all black with a hood... He had blackness around his neck. (similar to nightinggale armor, except it isn't shiny and isn't armor)
Lol. I finally found out why Salheira rejected Garet, he was too black stressful.


Lord of Altera
After reading this profile to see the changes Salheira has undergone since Garet has died...
Salheira must of been scared of Garet, because /always/ wore black clothes (before the Vermella struck).
His second outfit once vermella struck, was all black with a hood... He had blackness around his neck. (similar to nightinggale armor, except it isn't shiny and isn't armor)
Lol. I finally found out why Salheira rejected Garet, he was too black stressful.
I never thought of it that way.



Lord of Altera
@BrianAT16 Melosa's entry in Sal's relations is now "...",

which, if anyone's been paying attention, is the entry I give characters who are dead.
like, dead and Sal doesn't know they're coming back/they arent coming back.

just sayin.


Lord of Altera
Special Notice on using the "Skills" format I made!

that section was designed specifically around Salheira Rain-River. when i tried adapting it to other characters of mine, I similarly tailored the categories specifically to those characters.

if you want to use it for your characters, remember that since the "template" you're using is designed specifically with an uncivilized, mentally ill, pacifistic caparii in mind, you're going to have to add and remove categories in order to best optimize the Skill section for your character.

(if I will be honest, the Skills page on this profile is a lot more like a generic template that Salheira's, though it's still designed with a noble in mind.)

I'll try to help by synthesizing a "template" down below, but please remember that this is explicitly designed to be a freeform report, not a questionnaire.

How to use:
This is a Category
Overall: this is a summary of the character's skills in that category. you can omit this if you please

Example A: this is a specific skill. what follows would generally be a description of the character's degree of prowess in that skill.
I place expanded explanations of a particular skill under spoiler tags. typically, these expanded explanations explain why the character has the skillset that they do (Example: why are they skilled at sculpting with stone, but not with clay?)


(any skill used exclusively in combat, killing, bar brawls, or any situation of violence is a Fighting skill. includes: Swordfighting, Hand-To-hand, War Training, Archery, Daggers, Hammers, Polearms, Dueling, Subterfuge, etc. get creative)


(Survival skills are skills that would keep you alive in the wilderness or in a situation of extreme danger. includes stealth, spelunking, fishing, first aid, improvisation, etc.)


(any skill that results in the creation of an object, be that a sketch, sculpture, weapon, or clay pot, is a "Crafting" skill)

Overall: good enough

("Social" involves the sort of skills that help you in interacting with someone else, and includes such qualities as humor, wit, trustworthiness, and wisdom, as well as the ability to defuse a hostile situation, make new friends, or lie. I used this section to illustrate my character's strengths or difficulties in specific social situations, so this section can get a little weird)

Mental Disorders:
(should your character have a mental disorder, be sure to describe how it affects them specifically here. go into as much detail as you need.)

Emotional Stability:

("Psychological" is a broad assessment of your character's mental and emotional stability, including such "skills" as being able to control themselves, handle a stressful situation, go to sleep at night, drag themselves out of bed in the morning, remember deadlines, remember people, etc. Jishrim Worshippers have fun.)

Overall: low

(Education applies to just about anything you can learn from a book or a teacher. I put a whole slew of examples below, but by no means does this encompass the vast array of subjects that your character could have been educated in.)

Can Read/Write?:

The Arts:


Formal Writing:

Trade Skills: (in case you're in a situation where a character learned how to do blacksmithing, but their actual skill in making a sword is pitiful)

@Tybalt @Sankera


Lord of Altera
oh right.

the nightmares grow stronger. Salheira's family is dwindling once more, and she knows she's being played right into the mad god's hands. her maturity has allowed her to keep calm for now, but she feels danger looming upon the horizon, she sees her friends turning on her, she sees death, no matter which way she turns.

she accepts the comfort and treaties of strangers, and seems more willing to go to war, if it would mean peace of mind, maybe an end to the nightmares. she finds it harder to sleep alone, she stays awake at night, her eloquence fails her, and she's growing tired. she is of little use to others.

she wonders if she is doomed to always walk the path alone.


Lord of Altera
@Michcat @Sir Andrew Wallins

changed the wording of Vlad and Tzemik's relations.
to clarify. they were vague before.

yes, she hates them. she has lots of reasons to.
this was not based off of me learning anything ooc, to clarify. I simply remembered that perhaps I should go update relations.


Lord of Altera
gaby we've spoken like twenty million times why don't I even get a "yea peter exists I guess" on your relations.


Lord of Altera
gaby we've spoken like twenty million times why don't I even get a "yea peter exists I guess" on your relations.
Sal sort of lumps him in with all the other Lavoyards, and he never did anything notable enough for her to remember him.

other than the "fuzzy" stuff but thats old news.


Lord of Altera
right, put a more detailed list of long-term complications from her fall:

  • her memory problems get worse. no longer rolling to recognize people, now can only truly recognize family members or close friends
  • extreme dizziness and nausea, sometimes vomiting
  • higher sensitivity to light and noise, now gets triggered a lot easier, blurred vision, things seem far away and foggy
  • fatigue, possiblity of fainting spells if she stands up for too long, slightly dulled emotions and slower reflexes, slower everything
  • broken leg, requiring a cast, hurts when she puts pressure on it.
  • broken rib, making her breathing much shallower.
now, to remember all this the next time i play her...