Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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School of Magic: Course of Study

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
This looks good!
Once I'm almost assured slayers are off my tail, I might put some more... suitable robes on for this.
Also, if you have time, because this doesn't matter too much, you could change all the 'Mario' to 'Taor' since my current RP name is Taor, and I haven't been called Mario for a while in RP, Mario is just used for.. stuff.

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
I'm going to sooo have to write more... *Grabs books and trods off*


Lord of Altera

RPN: Zethcron Jyushin

Race: Dark Elf

Favorite Schools: Alchemy and Potions

Age: I don't record how old he is, mostly because he as an elf and most elves tend to age very little or none at all, also I'm too lazy to actually care about my RP character's age.

Although Bellon may not know his name he may know his appearance. Remember when Bellon showed up at Witch's Brew to help a fainted lady and 2 guys kind of ignored Bellon and insulted him a bit... Zethcron is one of them.


Lord of Altera
Nice job on this Bellon, looks great. Cant wait to get teaching...
By the way everyone, don't come expecting to easily pass a class.. Bellon means it when he says it'll be one of the hardest things you'll ever do!
Students will be expected to work hard, and to come with maturity, as this is expected to be a mature environment.

Good luck everyone, and hopefully see you in class!
Yes I did read this post very clearly, put thats still my Reaction