Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Spirit Animals


Lord of Altera
Elephant - Boistrous and forgetful, those with elephant spirits are often clumsy and gullible. They are hard working and always try to help others, even if it ends up hindering their friends. Elephants are generally apologetic and worried.

Elephants have the best memory!


King ForumStalker
@bettemus: I cannot yet see yours, give me some more time.
@cubeydoom: A darkened swan. It glares at me...
@James: A parrot, it's screeching into the sky.
@matyio: I see a dragon spirit, gliding around your head.
@mrbubbles: I see a lizard, its gripping onto your arm.


Sparkly purple member of the team
*Alaila hears something about animals and rushes over*

Hum... sir?
Is it possible for a normal human to have such spirit?


Lord of Altera
Soooo... I'm a sheep. What does that entail Itzza? Or do you need to follow me around in the world. Be warned, I am a little crazy


Lord of Altera
try reading me itzza, trust me youll get a headache, im a chimera ( a beast with 3 or more animal parts in one body)
from what you can guess ill see if your right....


King ForumStalker
@Frankie: I see... a cat clawing up your midrif.
@Cfdj: I wasn't able to see your spirit animal, apologies, maybe ill retry in a few days.
@Alailanible: I see a swan, it is floating around your head.
@Tantara: I see a lizard... I think...
@Karasu: An owl, it sits on your shoulder.

And yes dark, I will have to follow you around, I must find out what sheep entail!