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The Cult of Kilrox


King ForumStalker
No, we need more proper bad guys, not self righteous bandits but bad guys who actually kill people for the good of evil and chaos.

Regarding the lore, the lore of the Gods was written quite a time ago, whereas the Vyre lore was only written recently in comparison. While Skraag is the God of undeath, Kilrox is the one that plagued Vyres onto the earth.


Lord of Altera
No, we need more proper bad guys, not self righteous bandits but bad guys who actually kill people for the good of evil and chaos.

Regarding the lore, the lore of the Gods was written quite a time ago, whereas the Vyre lore was only written recently in comparison. While Skraag is the God of undeath, Kilrox is the one that plagued Vyres onto the earth.
Well the vast majority of Lore is being rewritten currently so I think that's subject to change.
But yeah we really do need more Evil characters, not just criminals who are in it for the Pvp and don't actually break laws.


Lord of Altera
RP: This is great victory for the Slayers

OOC: Aww who am I gonna fight now, I miss the Vyres already...


Leo Decroix said:
RP: This is great victory for the Slayers

OOC: Aww who am I gonna fight now, I miss the Vyres already...
We are still here, you just have no reason to hunt us any more. Unless you count eating raw meat as monsterous.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Maybe this cult and the merfolk could team up, so they both can hunt for the destruction of other races. mermaids for the food, and the worshippers for... whatever they do.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
The Cult do evil to serve Kilrox... And yeah, sure, teaming up with Merfolk sounds kind of intersting... Markis is sort of the leader of this, though. Talk to him about it.


Lord of Altera
Okay guys, I'm going awayy for a week this sunday, so this thread will go still for a bit, I don't really know what to do, or if I even want to continue this. I'll wait for some of the Kilrox lore to appear, and if it doesn't fit my rp, then this sadly can't continue. We'll see...


I like the sound of teaming up with the mermaids and as for kilrox lore I dont think it will change much. Fitz already said that Kilrox is the god of the vyres because he created them. I cant see a problem after that.

And have fun doing...whatever your doing :p


Legend of Altera
I like evil alliances! Also Bewpy if you do this you will give the slayers a reason to hunt the mermaids, which could make for some great rp when the good mermaids are caught in the middle.


Lord of Altera
This will be restarted, apologies for the removal of members from the region, I have had some time to think and this cult will continue as it was, however with the extremely small amount of vyres it will be more focused on Kilrox worshippers in general.


Lord of Altera
The Blood is flowing as we, the Cult of Kilrox, grow! Our organisation has attracted 5 members as of yet! Five will spill the blood of a thousand innocents! All Hail Kilrox! The purest of Gods! For he shall rule!
Join us, all evil people of Altera! Embrace the supreme power of The Bloody Lord and join the cult! Together we shall paint the world red with blood!

*shameless selfbump*


Lord of Altera
Mark, would you explain why at least three members of your Cult are also members of the Golden Crusade, are they traitors to me or to you?