Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Elven Hoods


Lord of Altera
It was a clip of "So Ronery" From Team America: World Police. I just forgot about the first bit :S and some people might find it racist. I promise it was only a little joke. I didn't mean anything offensive.


is Barken
It's fine, I was only thinking on your behalf, if I didn't tell you, someone may have reported you.


Lord of Altera
Hey Gizmoon (Don't know what else to call you.... :confused:) You do know that when the wilds resets we'll have to re-make our whole base? And may I suggest making it less obvious and further away from spawn?


Lord of Altera
Gizmoon1 said:
UPDATE: The Elven Hoods is now partnered with the Demon Hunters (Created by GhostKairo123).
And yeah I know it'll reset and we'll have to remake it (with Kairo :p) and you can call me Gizmoon, Gizmo, Miner, Minerman, etc. :p


Lord of Altera
Can't get on HollowWorld D: Just says "Can't reach server" and it times out when I try to connect.


Lord of Altera
RP name:Lady Ormild Wake
RP Race (Just for my information): Half-elf Half-dwarf with a half-merman brother.
RP skills: perfect with a bow, demon can take over sometimes
Real Skills (I want to know if you're good with a bow or sword just in case a situation escalates): im good with a bow
Short Description of your character:
Ormild Wake is a young woman who dreamss of peace and harmony, she got lost of her childhood at the age of eight, where she found the rest of Altera and changed her poor ways. Her father taught most of what she knows. Is corrupted by demon, who is scary, and very powerful.
Yay! Girl Power... :D


Lord of Altera
Oh and would you mind if I put you to second in command so you can get Frey in? I can;t seem to connect :\


Lord of Altera
I'm kinda meant to be asleep right now but sure, I'll get my laptop out when I'm sure my mum's asleep. So what do you want me to do, add her/show her to our base or something else... Cause I suggest we leave that till the Wilds have reset.


Lord of Altera
Yeah... That might be a better idea...
Seeing as it's all... corrupted and... such... :p