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The Equilibrium

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... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Well, we are definetly not fallen. It was only one member, and we have a new leader... Mayhap we should keep quiet about it? Would be nice if no assassins knew specifically who he was.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Hmm... Maybe it is, maybe it isn't... I do, after all, have some experience leading people. I have the resources to fund this entire group, and I'm a decent PvPer... So, maybe.


Loyal Servant of Altera
OK, first off I would like to point out Shotwell, it is spelled Protaras... :/ Second, your quite right we are very organized. Third, completely random attacks on bandits in the wilds will get you no where, last i checked attacking organization with randomness does... nothing? And addressing your choice to travel light, effective, but it will get you no where when there are 10+ bandits in full diamond armor, with high enchantment weaponry surrounding your weak forces. Also if you wish to gain support from other towns (I find this very unlikely) then what will that get you? More people to be killed in the wilds? (yes) And finally I assure you, that if you wish to take this pathetic little attacking force to Protaras................ You will die. End of story. But we bandits will take this as a personal threat. And we will attack your towns, your citizens, your very existence with everything we have. And we will reestablish just who rules these wilds, and just who should be feared. Not one thing in your little plan here causes me any worry.

-Regards, Captain Silentfoot

P.S. I wouldn't try this if I was in your shoes.


Loyal Servant of Altera
*facepalm* I am not actually gonna start a war with the pirates as well, the bandits are the biggest problem and much less civalized.
Civilized? Please Shotwell, learn to shutup when you don't know what your saying... I doubt you have even been in Protaras long enough to take a breath, let along see how the town is lead and organized.


Lord of Altera
OK, first off I would like to point out Shotwell, it is spelled Protaras... :/ Second, your quite right we are very organized. Third, completely random attacks on bandits in the wilds will get you no where, last i checked attacking organization with randomness does... nothing? And addressing your choice to travel light, effective, but it will get you no where when there are 10+ bandits in full diamond armor, with high enchantment weaponry surrounding your weak forces. Also if you wish to gain support from other towns (I find this very unlikely) then what will that get you? More people to be killed in the wilds? (yes) And finally I assure you, that if you wish to take this pathetic little attacking force to Protaras................ You will die. End of story. But we bandits will take this as a personal threat. And we will attack your towns, your citizens, your very existence with everything we have. And we will reestablish just who rules these wilds, and just who should be feared. Not one thing in your little plan here causes me any worry.

-Regards, Captain Silentfoot

P.S. I wouldn't try this if I was in your shoes.
Pfft...Water off a Duck's Back


Magus of Nothing
It does work. I managed to gain two sets of dia with only my stone swords. What doesn't work is when shotwell brang his full dia armor along...


The original mute
Guys, about your name, you do realise effectively it's a contradiction to what your aiming for, because when something reaches equilibrium it means the forces of one thing have balanced out with another so no more can be made or removed via the same reaction by anyone? Basically your group name is saying keep everything equal and so by that your saying there should be 1 bandit for every normal player... Also I know you fear the pirates, so here's a tip, run from the bandits as well. Kind regards ~ Matyio. P.s. also you need to train your members.

Eric V

Legend of Altera
I would like to point out this thread has been spammed by bandits, and its becoming annoying. Please make a new thread, and you bandits, who no matter what, should understand that its just role-play >.> and by coming here and spamming your hate is incredibly disrespectful, and if your upset that there is a force acting against you, deal with it, your bandits, you don't rob people because you want to be loved by the general public. So once again stop spamming the thread with hate mail at the plan.


Lord of Altera
Guys, about your name, you do realise effectively it's a contradiction to what your aiming for, because when something reaches equilibrium it means the forces of one thing have balanced out with another so no more can be made or removed via the same reaction by anyone? Basically your group name is saying keep everything equal and so by that your saying there should be 1 bandit for every normal player... Also I know you fear the pirates, so here's a tip, run from the bandits as well. Kind regards ~ Matyio. P.s. also you need to train your members.
That's kinda rude man... And what Hshotwell was trying to achieve was a state of Equilibrium, Where the the forces of Bandits and the world would be equal so they would be no longer feared
PS Which Members?

Eric V

Legend of Altera
Also I would like to point out I don't think the original point of this thread was to be used as an open discussion >.> more as a place to submit an application to join.


The original mute
That's kinda rude man... And what Hshotwell was trying to achieve was a state of Equilibrium, Where the the forces of Bandits and the world would be equal so they would be no longer feared
PS Which Members?
That was more based on what I've heard, trying to get you to make them better, they probably know who they are. And also, I fail to see how, other than that las sentence, I was rude. There again it could be because of my condition, ah well. Sorry for being rude in whatever way I was, I was just trying to point out that the equilibrium you wanted was actually different from an actual equilibrium, unless you are counting yourselves as a catalyst of some sort.
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