Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Fall of The Inquisition


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
on that note

@everyone else

... Be it by GoC, by heir, by blade or by quill - You guys can run with this thing as soon as its something amazing enough to deserve you.


Lord of Altera
The Rage, The Rage. I love how something this cool can turn sour in like two seconds, lets all take a step back and just take a deep breath. I wanted stuff like this to happen for like months, a couple of days ago I was telling people I was really burnt out and was considering quitting minecraft, after 3-4 years of play there was not much left for me to do, but this event resorted some life in me actually wanting to play. I know there are probably quite a few people right now who going like dang it why did this event happen james would have quit Huzzah.