Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The [Old] Guardians


The Arbiter of the Gods
By "sending leader" Mich meant there will be a classical limpy Gestapo guy coming your way to inspect and get hit by an oily rug... Das Boot reference >_>

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
All right all right, re-rail..


The people that have reserved spaces are those who have shown an interest or went out of their way to see Cloud beforehand about the Guardians, and have yet to complete the application form to make it official.
As said before, if your app is fine, you will most likely be accepted, but if not, and I'm expecting that to be the case for almost all who apply, you will have to go through a simple interview first. (Don't worry, it's not bad at all :p)
Also, even if accepted, you will not be allowed to join the guild until at least 8 people have been accepted, so we can assign bunks to everyone

That is all :3


Legend of Altera
Application Form:
: ACU20
Character Name: Robert I Senatoor
Overview of characters skills (whatever you feel could be useful): A very skilled swordsman which has proven himself in numerous bar fights and battles (most impressive is the last exodus where he lead the right flank) and he is a veyr honorable and trustworthy man in any situation.
History of wrong doings (think of it as repentance, so the Guild Leaders know of possible weaknesses and dark pasts that may affect how they think and battle certain enemies): He hasn't truly done anything bad nor evil so he is not a bad person. His most mayor known weakness is his fear of dying, which is common for everyone but he is afraid to die before having a child of his own so he can continiue the eastmarian bloodline, but he is not afraid of sacrificing himself.
Privacy Issues: He does not have any although he dislikes people which annoy him.
Other Allegiances (The Guardians care not, only for references sake): The Arcturian military, the city watch, The Black Salts, the queen.
How you take your coffee: I don't drink coffee (Serious voice)
Finally, that you swear allegiance to the leaders of the Guardians, and in turn, the Guild, and that you accept that there is always more that one can learn: I hereby swear on my life that i will loyally serve the queen and the guardians until the day which i day.
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