Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The order of the White Cross


Lord Zanros Hawklight
TheCastellan, just so you know I've becoming a sort of go between, between The Paladins of the White Cross and The Paladins of the White Cross, so I wac wondering if you could change my intro to that effect?
Umm you've confused me there :/


Loyal Servant of Altera
Basically Kyro has started his own Paladins, The Paladins of the White Angel, and has invited me to join, but I'm already in your Paladins Of the White Cross, the solution I become a messager, and get an RP going about the rivalry between the two. And I was just wondering if a change to my introduction on the start of this thread would make that help clear.


Lord Zanros Hawklight
since when can you forbid me from going to do a battle, if i want to fight someone because i see injustice then it will be done, regardless if it is another paladin order
and answer my question about the blue capes! :p