Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Vagabond


Coffee Enthusiast

@Lannis You absolute beast. Edit: Just picked out the Longbow. ;-; I'm really starting to love this picture. ;-;
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Dark Council Elite
*Gets moved to trusted after disappearing* good game deshlypoo

Hope everythings going well in the Northern ingdoms! Cenrtainly going well in Aeoni- Imeanwha? *Maniacal laughter*


Coffee Enthusiast
After soomme thinking~
Decided to drop Dayter's age... Fifty two just seems... a tad tooo old.....
Now Forty Five, Forty Six on the First of Winterfeast ( December fiirrsstt. :heart: )
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The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
After soomme thinking~
Decided to drop Dayter's age... Fifty two just seems... a tad tooo old.....
Now Forty Five, Forty Six on the First of Winterfeast ( December fiirrsstt. :heart: )
Well you know what they say, 45 is the new sexeh~

And so is anything above 450, but that goes without saying :p


Coffee Enthusiast
I should draw you another thingy because
1. the first time i failed and drew the wrong thing
2. i dislike it intensely i don't care what you say
3. just let me draw it when i have time
Pffawwh, you really don't have to. :p
If you do, I'd have to remove the old one xD I have exceeded the picture limit, and was a dumb not reserving any posts.