Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Therry's Pregnancy


Lord of Altera
Therry be preeeeegnant.

If you have an alt to spare, and would like to play as a Halfling child (for however long really), then simply post here. This child will be raised by two mothers, so keep that in mind! Lots of snuggles.

Alex Silversand is the father; thus, you can choose traits from both of them as you see fit. Keep in mind that Therry is a ginger though, so if you choose Therry's hair, then you'll probably want to keep the skin tone and chance of freckles as well. The profiles are at the bottom of the post.

This character will be very important to the characters involved in this (Mostly Therry), so I'd prefer if you kept playing this character, for a long while (At least until they go out on their own).

Alex Silversand

Estimated birth date: August 22nd. You can play this character at any starting age, before 8 years old, so you don't have to RP the toddler stage if you don't want to.
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Lord of Altera
Dilemma. I have a character and all planned out to be human, and you know. Would be cool if they were their child. But but but. . .
halfling wouldn't work for it ;-;


Lord of Altera
Dilemma. I have a character and all planned out to be human, and you know. Would be cool if they were their child. But but but. . .
halfling wouldn't work for it ;-;
you were telling me to make Viktor Sylvain,

a character who has already been established as human and has already roleplayed with other characters,

a halfling.

and now ur like "but halfling wouldnt work"
I mean, ok.


Lord of Altera
I could do it... i've been wanting to make a halfling character. It would be male, and whatnot. Still not sure if you hate me or not because of the "journal" incident...