Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Therry's Pregnancy


Lord of Altera
I decided not to do twins, two reasons:

1) Therry would probably die from it, she's too weak to deal with having two kids at once. (Also in her backstory her mother died this exact way don't want to repeat that)

2) Rolled a d20 and we didn't get a good roll for it.

I will consider this, you might want to elaborate on it a teeny bit (post again if you do) :D
Me and Just_Too would be awesome as twins. We cool like dat. Though it's your decision and I'm fine with being an only child, however Lokhie... you could be a childhood friend. Ask habin if he can have a mysterious nephew/neice or something and you could be him/her, then we grow up together.


Lord of Altera
... I thought this was a given... but the child's basically going to have to worship Vermella. You're gonna (most likely) be born in Falandraal, and your childhood caretakers are gonna consist of Caparii, especially Salheira, then Therry, Elfa, and the other residents.

And we'll have to see about the twins. I might do that... just for the heck of it.

and I want to RP with both of you


Lord of Altera
... I thought this was a given... but the child's basically going to have to worship Vermella. You're gonna (most likely) be born in Falandraal, and your childhood caretakers are gonna consist of Caparii, especially Salheira, then Therry, Elfa, and the other residents.

And we'll have to see about the twins. I might do that... just for the heck of it.

and I want to RP with both of you
k, Feel free to choose lokhie over me if you want, i got garet, andro, and cal to take care of. I stll have time for another, however I also choose favorites usually with my chars, I'll push some away for abi to rp another, like i did with all of them to rp cal, since his life was very eventful. However, I won't shove the kid aside, and name ideas?


Lord of Altera
Name ideas will have to be done through RP. No idea what we're gonna do there just yet.
k, my ideas:
1. Anything food related (chicken is tasty)
2. Peter (because Peter Pan has a sidekick named Tink and tink is like tinkerer which is like elfa, wait, just nvm)
3. You guys just come up with it.


Lord of Altera
Okay, so we're definitely having twins now. However, will only be picking one of you for it, as the other child char is a surprise. :D


Lord of Altera
Lohkie has a girl character and GIRLS

but Garet wrote more. (which might b a bad thing)


Lord of Altera
Still super torn... I've never RP'ed with Monkey, yet me and Garet never really RP'ed heavily enough, and I like both...



Lord of Altera
I decided not to do twins, two reasons:

1) Therry would probably die from it, she's too weak to deal with having two kids at once. (Also in her backstory her mother died this exact way don't want to repeat that)

2) Rolled a d20 and we didn't get a good roll for it.

I will consider this, you might want to elaborate on it a teeny bit (post again if you do) :D
Anthing in particular?


Lord of Altera
Anthing in particular?
I'd say, add more things like you would in a character profile. At this point, all I'm looking for is which character would be most interesting.

Your twin will be posted sooner or later. They will be fraternal so feel free to make it however you'd like.


Lord of Altera
Name: Diane/a?
Race: Halfling
Gender: Female

Eyes: Dark, stormy blue. Mysterious.
Skin: Pale.
Face shape: Thin.
Hair: Thin, auburn.
Body Shape: Slim for a halfling. In human perspective, sort of poofy. Sort of.
Mouth: Thin lips.
Personality: Seductive, manipulative. Quick and witty.
Mental State: In younger years, often playing around although takes things too far. Quick to experiment with dangerous things. Brave.
In older years, persuades people to do stuff for her, and generally has fun. Evil fun >:D
Identifying Marks: Has a small birth mark on her lower neck, around 2-3cm squared, strawberry coloured.

Fears: Spiders, insects, being betrayed.
Weaknesses: Is short.
Strengths: Persuasive, is brave.



Lord of Altera
Also, i can't say how my character will really turn out, I generally start with a plain character that grows into something more, as i try them out in the living enviorment. You know that RPing with me can be VERY intresting and strange sometimes, especailly when i type my character's thoughts. Calcifer is half crazy and he thinks evil thoughts and has conversations with his second side, which can be kinda hilarious. Garet doesn't have as funny of thoughts, but he has some nice quotes and can be a good laugh, like when he tries to flirt with Salheira (which you know isn't going to work). I can't really say anything about the new kid because well, i don't know WHAT to say. I think making a big list of personality traits and guidelines I should follow because its part of my "character" could be more or less boring, and limits the character, and it might not work, due to multiple reasons, therefore, If I'm chosen, i would have to rp my character how and see how he works. I suck at spelling
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Yū Yi
Also, i can't say how my character will really turn out, I generally start with a plain character that grows into something more, as i try them out in the living enviorment. You know that RPing with me can be VERY intresting and strange sometimes, especailly when i type my character's thoughts. Calcifer is half crazy and he thinks evil thoughts and has conversations with his second side, which can be kinda hilarious. Garet doesn't have as funny of thoughts, but he has some nice quotes and can be a good laugh, like when he tries to flirt with Salheira (which you know isn't going to work). I can't really say anything about the new kid because well, i don't know WHAT to say. I think making a big list of personality traits and guidelines I should follow because its part of my "character" could be more or less boring, and limits the character, and it might not work, due to multiple reasons, therefore, If I'm chosen, i would have to rp my character how and see how he works. I suck at spelling
Think triplets is gonna be near impossible for most women in altera without either the woman dying or one of the babies... Both are also a possibility


Lord of Altera
Think triplets is gonna be near impossible for most women in altera without either the woman dying or one of the babies... Both are also a possibility
Shhh, Don't bring Medieval infant mortality into this... Andro has 8 children, but she is an earthspawn


Lord of Altera
No, no no no, no, no... no.

I'm already considering rolling to see if Therry dies giving birth to twins. Triplets = death+repeat of trauma Therry had in the first place.
You guys do realize that was a joke ^-^
Another comment of my whole "cant do much more" thing, is a list of things i can think of i couldnt make yet
1. fears, they are developed, not borned with.
2. relations, this one is obvious.
3. Some more personality/character traits, same reason as fears
4. to be continued?