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Vigilant order of Slayers

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Lord of Altera
They destroy life not knowing how important that life form really is, reguardless of how mangled and monsterous it may seem.
For crying out loud man, I'm sick of telling people to read the bloody first post....


As a white wizard i have been opened to the way life flows from one being to another. I have seen flashes of the strings that tie all of us together, therefore I am against these Slayers. They destroy life not knowing how important that life form really is, reguardless of how mangled and monsterous it may seem. There is evil and monstrosity in us all, and to go out and kill such things would end up killing everything... Refugees! Dont be afraid to ask for my assistance. Your identity is safe with me, your secrets and wrong-doings even more so.
I hope you don't stick these refugees all in one place, oh white wizard. I heard they like to suck the blood out of people, you might end up with quite a mess once they get hungry. Not to mention once they smell all the wizard students, bahahah ! *walks away shaking his head* *goes back to saving innocent farmers from murderous vyres*


Hollows Explorer
Point doesnt stand. Reguardless of how many are murdered they still deserve to act in their own nature. & of course not Legion, ive been researching the consumption habits of these refugees and i have a few expieriments to conduct :) hopefully finding an alternative source of food for them! Hmm.. Mort flesh? Raw chicken with a touch of refurbished redstone? Well see!


Point doesnt stand. Reguardless of how many are murdered they still deserve to act in their own nature. & of course not Legion, ive been researching the consumption habits of these refugees and i have a few expieriments to conduct :) hopefully finding an alternative source of food for them! Hmm.. Mort flesh? Raw chicken with a touch of refurbished redstone? Well see!
So the great wise wizard doesn't care about how many a person murders, they deserve to act in their own nature and be let loose on Alteran Society. And I deserve to act my nature, which is to take an axe to the face of anyone who murders innocents !


Hollows Explorer
Who are you to decide who is evil or not? Just because you kill those who are also killers doesnt make you a good person. I disagree with killing at all. Why not help me find a less brutal and stable food source? Why just remove them and act as if you have done a good deed? No, its an easy way out.


Who are you to decide who is evil or not? Just because you kill those who are also killers doesnt make you a good person. I disagree with killing at all. Why not help me find a less brutal and stable food source? Why just remove them and act as if you have done a good deed? No, its an easy way out.
Aye tell that to the farmer who's wife they mangled. I don't do it for retribution, I do it to protect future victims while you sit in your tower safe from their claws. (This is RP btw ;))


Hollows Explorer
( I know its rp, I do like ya lars :p ) Ah, that is why I have opened my doors to them. Im not afraid of what they can and will do. Im willing to help. All they need is a little compassion and concern and they will not harm you.


Yesterday a great griefance was committed by one of our organisation. He claims it was done outside slayer business, but it was on our territory. I do not wish to have my integrity as a lord questioned because of my association with them. I do not abandon the ideals, nor do I feel that Leo is in the wrong. But this is distracting me of the whole point of this, upholding these ideals and actually doing something. I will seperate myself from this group and continue the work on my own, there is much to be do.


Lord of Altera
I'm finding it difficult to keep this up myself.
The simple fact is that we are put under a lot of pressure to keep this slayer Rp going, and while monster types are happy to Rp with us being captured and put trial etc. It's how everyone else interprets this which puts strain on us.
The amount of resentment and hostility from everyone puts a lot of strain on our members, which causes them to leave.
More so I really hate all these rumours about us floating around, it bugs me that people don't even bother to find out about us and just go by hearsay, which really damages our image.
Recently I've had to turn down Rp's simply because we don't have the numbers to successfully fill our role in the Rp. Which is saddening. We've had plenty of people come and say that the Rp is a great idea, but we need more members.

Feel free to have your opinions on us, but I'm just saying unless we get more people working with us. We can't keep this up.


I think more members will lead to larger problems with the current set up, people get out of hand ;)


Lord of Altera
But with barely any members, we can't do anything. :confused:
We just need to organise people more.


Lord of Altera
Jag, you need to set up the Organization in a different way, so that what happened yesterday doesn't happen again. I have a few ideas, but I don't think that your rp character would like the change.
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