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Vigilant order of Slayers

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Lord of Altera
Ok, then...
  1. I think you should change the way the organization is structured, because how you have it set up, if one person in the slayers decides to rid of an beast or one that associates with a beast, they can do it. Change it so that a select few can approve an execution, and of that few, there MUST BE a majority.
  2. You should also change how you allow people to enter as they please, as when Mady was almost killed yesterday, an entire army of people came to attack Corey. If there is a reason that an entire army can enter, I would love to hear it.
  3. In rp terms, you should ask a player if the time that they are in is a good time to be kidnapped(with @name or /msg name), because sometimes they have no one around them to try and free them.
  4. Finally, you should not get rid of the organization, by a loss of members, you need to change the way your recruitment works, by allowing a lot of races to join, that the organization can trust.
Also, I'm not against this organization in ooc, it's really fun to rp there, even though everything that happens is sad. I hope to see more of this organization in the new world, it gives people a feeling to be protected, henceforth helping other organizations, such as Blarg's and the ALoBH to continue operating for protecting the people that need it, of course in rp.

Thank you for reading my suggestions and I hope to see some of these go into effect.


Lord of Altera
You can't be surprised that there is a lot of RP hostility towards you. Don't think anyone hates the slayers OOC. But just think what your order is, a big group of people that are setting out to capture (or more and more commonly kill) all of the monsters. This is a fantasy setting, almost everyone is or know a 'monster' and is willing to fight to the death for there family or friends.

I think what your order needs is mainly more discipline. Set up a strong hierarchical order with an overall leader that makes the final decision. Instead of attack 'monsters' seemingly at random, have some special name for a hunt of someone, like a blood hunt or monster chase, and then post one name for all the slayers to rally against. Keep a very tight control on your RP events and accept that you are the antagonists of Altera. That is why I think loads of people actually like the slayers OOC. You are the first strong very dangerous villain that we can all rise up against. If anyone's RP character allows them to I highly suggest you join the Slayers. And go for the silver crown! The world would be a very different place if it was ruled by Slayers and that could lead to some incredibly desperate (but fun!) situations.

Overall, just organize more and think like a proper military force. Keep up the good work. :)


Hollows Explorer
Guys, honestly I do love the idea of this orginization! Its a great idea, and you may be able to find out a few things about everyones character that you didnt previously know.. Make it more underground as well! Keep your numbers a secret and use your players as "agents"! Get them close to the monsters so its easier to capture them.


Hollows Explorer
Indeed! I think it would be quite interesting to find out my good friend was only friends with me to take me away for lycanthropy.. Quite a twist!


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
You can't be surprised that there is a lot of RP hostility towards you. Don't think anyone hates the slayers OOC. But just think what your order is, a big group of people that are setting out to capture (or more and more commonly kill) all of the monsters. This is a fantasy setting, almost everyone is or know a 'monster' and is willing to fight to the death for there family or friends.

I think what your order needs is mainly more discipline. Set up a strong hierarchical order with an overall leader that makes the final decision. Instead of attack 'monsters' seemingly at random, have some special name for a hunt of someone, like a blood hunt or monster chase, and then post one name for all the slayers to rally against. Keep a very tight control on your RP events and accept that you are the antagonists of Altera. That is why I think loads of people actually like the slayers OOC. You are the first strong very dangerous villain that we can all rise up against. If anyone's RP character allows them to I highly suggest you join the Slayers. And go for the silver crown! The world would be a very different place if it was ruled by Slayers and that could lead to some incredibly desperate (but fun!) situations.

Overall, just organize more and think like a proper military force. Keep up the good work. :)

This is exactly what the problem is!

Yes we kill monsters! But only ones that are a danger to people. It is just like destroying a dangerous dog.


The fact that people still don't get that is why I think it needs to start over and a different approach.


The original mute
I think people are getting confused because you are called "the slayers" makes you seem worse than you actually are.


Thick Skulled Spaniard
i'd like to suggest a new name "A.L.T.E.R.A"
"Alteran League of Tough Eliminators of Rising Affairs."

is that cheesy enough? :p


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I love the Slayers, when two of them came to arrest me (Something I was waiting for for forever) I was excited. I love you guys ooc, but in roleplay Mori hates you guys and would love to throw you in his dungeon.


Lord of Altera
Slight necro, I know but I figured it would be good to re-post this here.

Actually, yes they did, Seth...
Almost everyone on the server hates the Slayers and wants nothing more but for them to die out...
And this is exactly the reason why the slayers have taken a little break, it's because people can't separate between OOC and RP hatred and then people take things too far when people start to get genuinely angry and that's when people get upset.

The majority of people who "hated" the slayers in RP come up to me and ask me to start it back up again as they liked RPing with the Slayers or at very least tell me that it was a good RP, if they actually hated the Slayers OOC, I doubt I would get this several times a week.

I would like to clarify that the slayers have not died out or failed in any way and we are taking a short break to sort inner group things out. As well most importantly to catch a break from the constant harassment the group attracts, as it's not very nice being on the receiving end of everyone coming up to you in RP and constantly asking questions about what I'm doing or trying to kill you, I haven't got onto trying to sort out the rumours which caused me a lot of stress.

So I'll summarise if you can't be bothered to read the chunk of text or have forgotten or not seen the point:
(I had these problems far too often with people not reading the 1st post on the thread on the slayers to get accurate info and just basing their facts on hearsay)
Shut up, if you don't know what you're talking about.

It seems we're still getting hatred from people who can't separate Rp from OOC...


Lord of Altera
I Agree, Slayers was a brilliant RP. It went really well as well for a short time, till people decided they couldn;t idffer between RP Hate and OOC hate... Go Leo, Get this going again!


The Arbiter of the Gods
So... Tempted.... To................. Improve.....................................
Phew. I managed not to xD
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