Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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What if Hollowworld was Star Wars based?


Lord of Altera
And I'm sure Sally would be ok with a Star Wars cultured Medieval setting, as long as it was done right. It's easily possible to take all the races and so on from SW and not take all of the Space Ships, and OP weapons. I'm sure most people here would be happy to have the races and the typical Light VS Dark, and to not take anything else from Star Wars.
If the lore is done right, it wouldn't need space-ships and blasters. I may be considering it, but I think before making an entry I will double-check with @SallyRose .


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
For instance take this picture from TJP:
That is exactly the epic thing about SW. You have an ancient culture like Maya's or Samoerai and you add a sith lord to it as some kind of menace they dealt with and it just fits there completely.


Lord of Altera
Mhm, you don't add a Sith lord to the culture. The whole point is the culture is the Sith and the Jedi (Unless of course you mean the Sith race, which is an entirely different thing.) It's kind of like a chess game, the culture is all of the pieces, black or white. When the original split happened it pitted brother against brother, father against son. They weren't born enemies it just kind of happened, and it still does with the Lost Jedi turning dark and becoming Sith like Darth Vader/Anakin in Ep3.

Though yeah, SW are good at adding random things and it all /somehow/ making perfect sense.

Like the afore mentioned Bunny Jedi Master.


Lord of Altera
If hollowworld was based on league of legends... and everyone rped their own favorite champion :3
