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Yoda's Life in Song Form/Vague Journal


Lord of Altera
Good day, folk of Hollowworld. Methought it would be easier for me to express how I feel in music rather than words and emotions because, frankly, it is hard to do. I'm extremely blunt and my mind moves a lot faster than my mouth does, meaning I say the wrong thing often.

For an awful example, I called a table a chair today. Yes, there are more noticeable instances of this happening, but is can't think of them at the moment and stuttering or forgetting words is hard to note.

So, uh, this is how I felt most of this afternoon (obviously, I aim more for the music than the lyrics, but if lyrics are intentionally connected I will say otherwise) :



Lord of Altera
Hmm... How to convince parents to allow me to do a business diploma... I'll think of something eventually. Until then, "You should do sixth form because Oxford and Cambridge kiddo".



Lord of Altera
This is the soundtrack for the sci-if film, Moon. It's roughly ten minutes long, but definitely worth it.



Lord of Altera
I felt extremely rough about five minutes after posting the last update, but I wasn't as bad after an open evening visit to college. Sadly,the chance of me convincing my father to let me go is very low.



Lord of Altera
I watched The Shining this evening. I've got the book, which mean I'll be able to compare them. :D I'm not feeling as bad as I did on Tuesday night, but I do feel much like a robot, and English is becoming harder to do every day.

Lyrical intent:



Lord of Altera
I decided to re-watch Inception, and this time I understood it fully. I've been smacked in the face with the "how can you forget that?!" feeling, but I don't think that's sunk in yet - not that anything does these days. This masterpiece of music, however, (a favourite of Cherbert's) is very good. I've got the entire hour-long soundtrack on my ipad to listen to at lunch times or when I get to school early. Here's what you might remember from the film:

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Lord of Altera
I hope that one day I will be special friends to my special friends, and I hope I can be special friends with them forever.



Lord of Altera
Hm. If I don't connect to anything, I won't be unhappy when I lose it. It might be too late for that no with current connections, but I could stop it from occurring in the future. At the same time, I don't want to be alone. It'll happen either way though, eventually, won't it?



Lord of Altera
In an ideal world, humans' emotional levels are maxed out by repetition of basic stimuli. Plus I have a definitive primary function I am happy doing and those humans that I wish to be happy with are more involved in my existence. Alternatively, I could not exist at all and never feel anything ever.



Lord of Altera
At the moment I am blocking everything out. Mock exams are a complete waste of time, so I've been memorizing algorithms for the Rubik's Cube and watched about 10 hours' worth of the walking dead in the last two days.



Loyal Servant of Altera
Oh, and Yoda, you may be interested to know that my sister worked for XL Records and got to work as Thom Yorke's assistant selling, and singing, RadioHead stuff with him :D


Lord of Altera
I don't know anything, really. I know things that aren't substantial, and I can't make choices very well. But I won't let my parents make choices for me, so I hope they don't attempt any reverse psychology.



Lord of Altera
S'I've written 2072 words for the prologue of a story I'm working on, which is fairing surprisingly well. With most things I get off to a good start and them lose interest or run out of time, but with this I might get somewhere. It may also help my lack of motivation for reading.

I may have accidentally been completely anti-sociable towards my schoolfriends recently, which one of them pointed out to my mother. I am now required to play football outside with them at lunchtimes, which means I won't be able to write much at school. Plus they're all testosterone-y when they're playing football, and often get into fights with each other. You'd be surprised to know that they're mainly fifteen-year-olds, too.

I am a limited person. There are things I'll never be able to do, and some of them I might even want to do.
