Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Timbervale

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Settling in Altera
In-Game Name:actronan
RP Name:Actronan Callarum
Roll you wish to fill and why:miner: because its my favorite thing to do and I fashioned a method for mining that is very efficient when gathering materials Blacksmith: im not a very good fighter but i am always ready to help other people be one and am perfectly happy to provide ores and what not for people to use as there gear
A couple sentences about yourself: I'm just a simple guy trying to get out of the east before it resets I spend most of my time down in mines so i can gather materials to keep me alive when needed I am always ready to give people stuff that i have no use for or have enough of it that i wouldn't go though any hardships by doing so i usually don't fight unless i have to which means that a lot of my ores can go out to other people except the ones i need to make my supplies to mine.
How do you feel you can add to this community: I can go and gather tons of cobblestone dirt gravel and anything else you can find underground for building or terraforming the land and i can use my materials to make armor and weapons for all the people who will be going out to fight to protect the land i also see myself as a not half bad builder so i could help with building as long as i know exactly what is needed to complete the build and how it is wanted to look.


Loyal Servant of Altera

In-Game Name: Roof5tone

RP Name: Hope Springfire

Roll you wish to fill and why: Guardian of Timbervale, I love fighting with a purpose, and a guardsman has indeed a most noble purpose! The safety of home and people! What task can be more noble than to defend that which one loves?

A couple sentences about yourself: While not a very good leader, I can take charge if it is wished of me. And I tend to get the job done. Though I am more apt at following orders. I consider myself a good builder, creative and grounded in what I like. (Usually medieval themes) I love roleplay, have done it for thirteen years. Starting with D&D with my brother's group. And I roleplay any occasion I get.

I am quite active, trying to come on every day.

How do you feel you can add to this community: A lovely and joyful personality, who love to make those around her smile. A person that helps anywhere she can to aid in the towns progress and expansion.

And a deadeye with the bow!


Lord of Altera
Roof and actro, If it were up to me, I'd gladly let you join, Your applications were very good! :D

P.S.: Roof, I love your profile picture! :3


Loyal Servant of Altera
Roof and actro, If it were up to me, I'd gladly let you join, Your applications were very good! :D

P.S.: Roof, I love your profile picture! :3
Thanks, hoping to join. It is a wondrous town! And I would love to be a part of it. Already picked my favourite house even. Hehe

P.S.: Thanks, drew it years ago. Pika in a pika! ^^ :heart:


Legend of Altera
Remember applicants! Due to the fact that all the council members need to vote and the vacation season, app approvals are slow... Though it's good to remind every once in awhile ;)


Loyal Servant of Altera
Nothing wrong with that buggs, nobody minds a bit of stalking...

The bushes outside your window are prickly by the way.. Got any non thorny ones? :confused:


Settling in Altera
i was gone for a day and didn't look at the forums but i come back today and see all this activity thanks for the support and for reviewing the application and Roof i hope ta see you around town if we get in
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