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The Cult of Grey


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
The Cult of Grey

What they are: A group of leaders, influential individuals, that have come together to improve Altera, through military, negotiations, or technology, by the decision of the Counselors. They do not stand for good or evil, but instead the belief that neither exist, and instead they follow the Neutral deities, and follow the most logical course, no matter on which side it stands, good or evil.

The council Consists of:

The Founder: He is the founder of the cult, and chooses those who will be on The council, and so on.
Voting Power: 3
The Grey: He is the head of the Council, and would take the place of the founder, if the Founder has died, been assassinated, etc. He is morally gray, taking no side in the debate, but instead chooses the answer that seems the most logical.

Voting Power: 3
The White: He stands for doing good in Altera, and argues for the right path in the Council.
Voting Power: 2
The Black: Opposite of the white, he will argue for following the darker path in the debate.
Council Members: Influential people of Altera, who have joined the cult, who can decide on which path to follow, and vote accordingly.
The Grey Blades (Open to suggestions on the name for this one..) They act as the blade of the cult, carrying out the will of the council. They are selected by the council members, each member having his own Champion "Gray Blade". A blade cannot be on the council, and a counselor cannot be a blade.

The Insignia of the cult is a Grey Dragon, in a black field and white sky.

Oath: "I swear that I, (name), will obey the ruling of the council, and carry out its will, without hesitation. I am aware, and fully understand, the punishment if I am to stray from the Council's decision. I shall not resist the punishment if I am to break this solemn vow."

Failure to obey the will of the Cult will result in Banishment. Plotting to murder fellow members of the council, or plotting to betray the council, will result in Execution.

Held Positions:
The Founder: Basil (Blargtheawesome) Blade: (TBD)
The Grey: Albiorix (Estes241) Blade: Kharn (Warwolf_1)
The Black: Anonymous Blade: (TBD)
Counselor: Lord Magnus Arcturus IV (Valonyx) Blade: (TBD)
Counselor: Seth Jenkins I (Seth_Jenkins) Blade: (TBD)
Open Positions:
The white (will be chosen from accepted Council Members)
Council Members
Gray blades (chosen by the Counselors. If you wish to be one,
talk to one personally about becoming their champion. Feel free to post an Application in here, so Council Members are aware of who you are.)

R.P. Name:
Why you think He/She should be on the Council: (N/A to greyblades) (How influential is your char, where does he morally stand, And if you wish, why you think they should be either the Black, or White)
Skills: (N/A to Council Members)


Alteran Cryptid and Renowned Hat-wearer
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Username: WarWolf_1
R.P. Name: Kharn Sicarus
Background: Links! Ok, I admit, it doesn't have an actual backstory written, well it does, kind of, the last two chapters, not the first two. But, you have RP'd with me enough, right?
Why you think He/She should be on the Council: Woo! Greyblades! But I'm gonna say my morals anyway. He is not entirely sure, what he does may be considered wrong by some, he believes what he does is for the better of many.
Skills: Eh, can be verbally persuasive, sometimes. Can also be violent. Is fairly intelligent, even if not obviously shown. Skilled enough in the use of a sword and dagger and... staying hidden until the required moment.


Alteran Cryptid and Renowned Hat-wearer
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Ask Albiorix, he may have already asked me, but I made an application anyway.


Lord of Altera
Nice Organisation, I don't think I've seen an organisation like this before, a fresh new idea on Cults. Might make an application myself once I've finished up editing my Character Profile


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Which is good news, took us about three days to write everything up, actually. I can't wait until the conquest begins. :p


Lord of Altera
Username: Mistaahh
R.P. Name: Mistaahh'venra'ghi'vro
Background: Signature
Why you think He/She should be on the Council: (applying for greyblade)
Skills: Quite adapted with basic weapons or the weapons he carries, is able to sit still in the shadows for a few hours, waiting for his prey. He channals his anger, doses it, works it out on his target, he has no friends whatsoever, because he mostly sees them as potential targets.


Lord of Altera
Username: Seth_Jenkins
R.P. Name: Seth Jenkins I
Background: Link in signature; however I;m editing it right now to include some more parts as it dosn't add all the information needed right now
Why you think He/She should be on the Council: (N/A to greyblades) (How influential is your char, where does he morally stand, And if you wish, why you think they should be either the Black, or White) I believe Seth should be on this council as he is the Lord of Yearnen, rightful King of Dwarves and is also in good relation with Lonmar and a few other houses who are willing to aid the Dwarves who he commands. Seth morally stands as a rather traditionalist, standing on the fine precipise of White or Black as tradition stretches through both. Generally, he is after a better Altera for all and trying. He has worked in diplomacy before so has experience in elements such as persuasion, communication and most of all thorough arguement and thought. He works hard towards his goals and is loyal to the people who earn his trust; however he can be rather hostile to people.
Regarding Black or White, Seth would probably be white in his experience but could also be black due to tradition, as you know, it can switch either side.
Skills: (Applying for Council Member so not Applicable)


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
We also ask that you are patient for us to decide the White and the Black, as we are waiting for more applications, in order to look at a wider variety. We will let you know if you have been accepted as a Council Member, as Blarg has done just above this post.


Lord of Altera
We also ask that you are patient for us to decide the White and the Black, as we are waiting for more applications, in order to look at a wider variety. We will let you know if you have been accepted as a Council Member, as Blarg has done just above this post.
What about the grey blades?


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
Will be chosen by the Council Members, it may help them choose by posting the app here, as you have done.


Lord of Altera
Username: Valonyx

R.P. Name: Lord Magnus Arcturus IV

Background: Old background (really, really obsolete, doesn't even mention Arcturus). ---->

Why you think He/She should be on the Council: (N/A to greyblades) (How influential is your char, where does he morally stand, And if you wish, why you think they should be either the Black, or White)
Magnus Arcturus grows interested in the Cult of Grey, and his political and military power could be a good help to the cult. Lord of house Arcturus and once lord-Commander of the finished Golden Crusade, Magnus is and will remain a good partisan of valor and justice, and that is why he would be honored to and would appreciate if he could occupy the post of The White in the council.

( EDIT: Its actually the first time i apply to something :O )