Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Game Of Crowns

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Legend of Altera
If you mean the roman build then I think its amazing it just goes to show that romans were good architectures


Sorrows Warrior
Apart from the fact that they can't physically see, yes.
My character uses the slight Cogitation that she knows to sense her surroundings. She may not see things the way you or the next person does, but trust me; she has overcome this impairment.


Sorrows Warrior
My character uses the slight Cogitation that she knows to sense her surroundings. She may not see things the way you or the next person does, but trust me; she has overcome this impairment.
Yes, but you can't see when I'm BEHIND YOU
While it's for a limited distance (roughly 35 feet) she actually can see behind her. Although, a very good and trained assassin/thief/killer should also be able to use a slight amount of Cogitation to mask his/her presence. That'd drop the distance to about 5-10 feet; by which time might be too late to react.

ANYWAY, /rerail

Thanks for putting that into consideration, Sally. But I should also note about assassination attempts, the position of king/queen shouldn't give the player any amazing increase in skills or abilities (I know you already understand this, but still...). As such, the king/queen should still have to hone his/her skills; which comes to my point. In the event of an RP fight, the king/queen shouldn't godmod. I know, you are aware and understand it already, but I'm just gonna throw it out there anyway.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
See, there's the reason I need to be king a nut shell. I'd just melt any orphan assassin that attempted to kill me.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I've grown quite used to the occasional: "YOU!" at the Lamb. Which is followed by me, always, crippling my opponent.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I feel bad for-whoever is King... you know practically everyone is going to be jealous they didn't win and theres going to be an assassination attempt everyday to the point where being King isn't going to be fun at all.


Sorrows Warrior
That's what happens when you're a king/queen. Lots of power over the land and people (politically), yet you're made into a HUGE target.


Lord of Altera
I believe that our comunity as a whole is more mature than that. I on the other hand plan to kill the king no matter what...did I say that out loud?


Loyal Servant of Altera
That's what happens when you're a king/queen. Lots of power over the land and people (politically), yet you're made into a HUGE target.
Yeah I understand realistically theres going be assassination attempts... but nowhere near the amount that will most likely occur to the winner of the GoC.

hshotwell I can guarantee you theres a bunch of people on this server that plan to do the same thing.


Lord of Altera
I know, its just unfortunate because most of em don't have good motives. They'll just do it because it seems like a fun thing to do.
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