Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Weekly artwork


Lord of Altera
Again, I cant draw so here is another poem... :/

Love, what is it.
Is it one heart for its self?
Or is it two hearts for each other?
One soul for its own?
Or two souls bounded together?
Do lovers share everything?
Or do they hide things from one another?
No, in love there is no, I.
There is only we.
There is only us, together.
Two hearts as one.
Two souls as one.
Two bodies as one.


The original mute
We gave you time for the last one
We gave you more time
We switched topics
... Want more time? :)
Well you see, the problem always was "college comes first." And well, I've got an essay to do, 3 minute long animations to finish. And that's only from two days. The other two I have to finish a sketchbook, and write up some notes. Not to mention I've been helping my games club with setting up a show. Then you've got the fact that my brain dies on all days except Sunday and Monday. Plus I've to my character bio to write. So instead,I'll just join in when I can.


Lord of Altera
We are allowed to post something more then once right? I mean this does go with one thing for a whole month now.


The original mute
Don't worry bette I know. It's just I've been promising to do one since week three and haven't...


Roleplay keeper
I promise things all the time that I can't keep. So don't promise :p Just try, alright? It's not DEADLY nessisary. It's just so that artists can relax and just make a picture after their own taste.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Sorta kinda related. I have another one in the works, but didn't want to keep you guys waitin' :D
