Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Weekly artwork


Loyal Servant of Altera
I'm doing an extended diploma in graphic design, then next year I'll do a foundation degree in art and design and for the three years after that I'm hoping to do a ba hons in animation. As for software I use photoshop and illustrator for making my backgrounds, and basic drawings of my characters (if needed) and flash to animate everything. I can also use in design, though I hate it cause it's got bad ui (user intercface) and isn't comparable with the 3 previously mentioned files.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Oops, dang. I was gonna put that that's awesome. I'm leaning either that way or toward Architecture, more architecture. I suck at computers, though so... Maybe that'll get better with comp sci.


Lord of Altera
-Warning read at own risk may be dark- (sorry about that its just how my childhood kinda was)

The cold days.
Standing alone wait, but waiting for what?
Was it the bus and the lonely trip to school?
Or was I just wanting the day to end and for my mother to come get me?
These times seemed to go on forever.
The time spent alone away from others.
I never cared for their games.
Tag, race, or the other things they would play.
Yet that day came when it seemed a little warmer.
Not because of spring or summer.
But just because of one person.
The one other noone that waited at the bus stop with her little red jacket.
Just another person who had maybe been through the time of being alone.
After time we just made each others days warmer.
Till that cold day where one of us had to leave the other behind...

Again sorry about this being somewhat dark but its all based on something true. I kinda cant lie when I write this stuff. :/


Lord of Altera
That's wonderful, and it may be a little morbid but it get's happy... and then sad again with the last line... but I think that's great, and childhood problems are meant to be bad and make you sad otherwise they wouldn't be problems.


Lord of Altera
Yeah :/ It reflects the last year of my childhood before I moved from one town to another, leaving behind the one really good friend I had. But it really makes me feel good that you guys like it.


Lord of Altera
>.> I try...but its a lot harder to stay writing one thing and finish it. I write a lot but almost never finish one...


Lord of Altera
This has probably happened to everyone atleast once in their life, and if it hasn't, you've never had icecream.
Well, this happened to me, and it was very traumatic. My dad had taken me to an amusement park on a sunny summer day, and had gotten me a big, yummy, strawberry cream, and the good kind, with actual chunks of strawberry in it, and I was soooo happy. So, I sat down, and ate my cream, but all of a sudden I look up, and realize; my dad is gone. And then I panic, and cry, and drop my icecream. At home my mom would read me a book, one of those books that you could choose what the character did, and this one was about a little boy who gets lost at the store, and I always chose the option to leave the place you are and to go look for your parent, so that's what I did. And just around the corner, my dad
was there. Oh and I did get a new icecream :)
And it's all weired because my drawing tablet went all funky on me and keeps frezzing if I hold it in one spot for more than 1 second...


We demons of our solemn hour
A childish fear, by jeroxia

Another Sunday,
Another day off fear,
Every Sunday we go,
To my uncle you know..

Every Sunday,
Another time past that fence,
Me and that dog weren't particular friends,
He just sat there with his big jaw,
that fur black as night,
As if he was ment to fright,

Every Sunday ,
Trough the gravel.. 54 little steps,

Then when he came to an end
I cried Goodbye to my frightful friend


Ok i speed drew this. Remember when your young and your trying to open that door... But the handle is always... too high.

Paint.... This is what i produce without photoshop =[


Legend of Altera
My uncle is actually a great artist and about 4 months ago i went through a faze of loving mermaid/syrien and he drew one not sure if he copied it from somewhere

