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Request for Character Artwork.

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Lord of Altera
You can request character artwork on this thread. :) Don't go crazy!
Things you need to include in the request:
Character Profile
Any pictures you have for your character.
I like to request some sort of character artwork for my alternate Arianna. The red-eyed, black-haired, 5-year old petite high elf requests an adorable drawing. :)

I really don't care either a sketch on paper, or on the computer.

I just would like a cute, innocent looking drawing of Arianna. :D

I'll pay if that is necessary, but I currently don't have much Rads.

Thank you! ;)



Lord of Altera
Sally. I envy your... Words cannot describe...

Excellent, magnificent, beautiful, perfect, gorgeous, platypusious, wonderul.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
^^ (autograph) My autograph isn't on the scan. But I can assure you I have drawn this myself. The line on her cheek is on the other side of the paper, I turned a map upside down and drew it on the backside because of lack of big pieces of paper. I hope you like it though!


The original mute
Hey abbey, just wondering but can anyone use this thread to request character artwork?


The original mute
ok, since we're all allowed to use this thread, i'd like to request some artwork for xenai and lucina.
lucina (lucy) reed.pngxenai skin 4.png


The original mute
Oh yah, Xenai is a mute, musician, so you can draw him with any string instrument you like. Lucina is a 3year old human child, but she is being raised by Syrie, so it would be apropriate to have her in or near water. Other than that go wild.


Loyal Servant of Altera
ok, since we're all allowed to use this thread, i'd like to request some artwork for xenai and lucina.
I started on a drawing of Xenai. But before I can finish it, I'd like to know a bit more about his face (that's the hardest part) aka eyes, ears and his hair, and what kind of shoes he's wearing.
At this moment the sketch looks like this, I hope you like it. If not, tell me please.
I hope you don't mind me being a bit creative with the decorations on his clothes. I will use the colors of your skin.


Lord of Altera
I may ask for one reasonably soon, I dunno. I kinda like the cat <-- as my profile picture.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
There may be a problem arising where there are too many requests and not enough artists, so if the need arises, I'll do what I can :)
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