Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Request for Character Artwork.

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Loyal Servant of Altera
Skin color/details: Light olive Tan
Hair color and style: blonde and brown
Age: 19
Race: human
Eye color: grey
Colour: Grey, red, black, brown
Outfit: A padded red and grey overcoat with big shoulder pads and no sleeves with grey trousers and brown boots
Shoes: knee height brown boots
Other: Greatsword strapped on back
Skin: New new skin.jpg


Lord of Altera
Description: Short elven girl in her mid 20s. Long jet black hair with a few raven feathers tied into it that goes down to her mid back. a dull gray colored cloak with the hood drawn back so its not covering her face. The cloak is more on the right side than the left, showing more of her arm on the left. Cloth that wraps around her head and covers her right eye. Burned “V” shaped scar on her left cheek. A thinner body build all around. Twin daggers resting against her lower back and hip. A small strap that holds six large needles on her right leg.
Character Profile:
Skin: (will link when I get home)
Any pictures you have for your character.



Loyal Servant of Altera
I would like to make a character request for my char called Locian IV he is a 12 year old orphaned boy he is also secretly blind he list on the streets and his two best friends are dead so you could make an expression of lonely ness on his face you could also give him dual daggers for fighting Thanks! :) skin2012081015113937339.png
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