Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Request for Character Artwork.

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Loyal Servant of Altera
Now, I challenge you to draw a little girl in a pink dress. Just make sure no none Syrie is holding him if you want to do that.
Challenge accepted! But... I think I need to rp with Lucina at least once so I get to know her a bit. It makes the drawing easier, especially since I've never drawn a child before.


The original mute
Challenge accepted! But... I think I need to rp with Lucina at least once so I get to know her a bit. It makes the drawing easier, especially since I've never drawn a child before.
That can be... Arranged. She can usually be found round alsaga.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Yeah... the boat in Caldwell is gone and now I don't know how to get to Alsaga anymore...
But if you tell me, I'll make sure I turn up there soon.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I tried to find a ship to Alsaga in Timbervale several times, but failed... Can you tell me where it's supposed to be?


Id like some artwork for my character Sakora, the Syrie of course... im on my android so i cant get the pictures, but my forum profile has a good one of my character mode'l:oops:


The Arbiter of the Gods

Can someone try their luck with drawing Albareth?
Basically, black hair, red vest and light grey shirt. Brown eyes and an amulet on his neck...

Albareth Arbiter.png
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