Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Broken Moon


The original mute
I have a question about why the current users can't use magic. Is it because of the way required to access magic changing due to this event? For example rather than having to draw from the whatever Vyrden (however it's spelt) you have to draw from something else? Or is it that the flow of magic has been disrupted, as in the ability to access magic in altera has been removed? To summarise my question is why can't you access magic, is it because the technique needed has changed or because the current way of using it has been blocked?


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I have a question about why the current users can't use magic. Is it because of the way required to access magic changing due to this event? For example rather than having to draw from the whatever Vyrden (however it's spelt) you have to draw from something else? Or is it that the flow of magic has been disrupted, as in the ability to access magic in altera has been removed? To summarise my question is why can't you access magic, is it because the technique needed has changed or because the current way of using it has been blocked?
It's because people OP and Godmode when they get magic, so they had to take it away. When it comes back, it will be with heavy restrictions so that players have very little ability to be OP with it.


The original mute
It's because people OP and Godmode when they get magic, so they had to take it away. When it comes back, it will be with heavy restrictions so that players have very little ability to be OP with it.
I know the ooc reasons pyro. I'm not as think as a plank, I'm more intelligent than you seem to think. I'm talking about the in rp reasons, because I'm curious. It's also because it affects one of my characters, and well, ghosts character may be affected as well.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
matyio said:
I know the ooc reasons pyro. I'm not as think as a plank, I'm more intelligent than you seem to think. I'm talking about the in rp reasons, because I'm curious. It's also because it affects one of my characters, and well, ghosts character may be affected as well.
Cloud will have to find a way to channel his magic a different way, around the 'block' if necessary, or have someone else re-draw the symbol holding him together, because he can't bleed forever..


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I know the ooc reasons pyro. I'm not as think as a plank, I'm more intelligent than you seem to think. I'm talking about the in rp reasons, because I'm curious. It's also because it affects one of my characters, and well, ghosts character may be affected as well.
Calm down kid, I assumed nothing about your intelligence. I simply gave the reason. I don't know the rp reason, and seeing as they are being secretive about the event then they probably aren't going to come right out and say it. Perhaps it would be a good idea to pm nael your specific lore related question so they don't have to worry about spoiling the event for the forum readers at large?


The original mute
Well if my question can't be answered without nael saying to the forums, then I don't want to know until they do. Makes for better rp when I don't have to split my mind to remember what I don't know in char.

Edit: also I don't mean to be so hostile, so please, at least check whether I'm adult or not, unless you want me to start calling you things which you find derogatory. Ok?


Lord of Altera
I meant special event items, or lore team approved magic-y ones, for example hshotwell's ice cloak, if you'll excuse my vague question.


Non sum qualis eram
Right, proceeding to stage 2.

Former Magic-Users, or any player in general, can attempt an experiment or test that they could reasonably devise, or try looking through libraries they have access to on certain topics and ask me a question via forum PM beforehand to get their results.

The better and more specific the question or experiment plan, the higher quality your potential response.

You may collaborate and share results in-character if it would make sense for your characters to do so.

Attempting to work this out OOC in a metagaming sense is grounds for disqualification from participating further in the event and will reflect poorly on individuals seeking magic.

Please think carefully and use your messages sparingly, there is a certain limit to the number of questions in succession that I will answer for any particular individual.


Lord of Altera
Okay. So. With the magic gone things with magic no longer function properly correct? Two questions. First, is a blaze rod magical to the point of being able to burn people /extremely/ but yet leaving the user unharmed? Second, would this even work with magic gone at all. Does it even work in the first place????? Okay, three questions....


Lord of Altera
Okay. So. With the magic gone things with magic no longer function properly correct? Two questions. First, is a blaze rod magical to the point of being able to burn people /extremely/ but yet leaving the user unharmed? Second, would this even work with magic gone at all. Does it even work in the first place????? Okay, three questions....
1- i don't think magically empowerd items of that sort of degree are even legal, i was questioned about an electrically storing staff and was told it had to be removed.

2- you might need to think more abstractly... maybe?