Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Aracena Mithtanil [Deceased]


Lord of Altera
Praying to relieve the madness?
To be brought out of the darkness?
Cured of insanity?
A goal for the Gods pity?
Jishrim is sure to assist?
To wipe Aracena from his list?


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Things I learned about my character today-

+ She is very trusting of earthspawn in jungles
+ She is not a hiker


Lord of Altera
Things I learned about my character today-

+ She is very trusting of earthspawn in jungles
+ She is not a hiker
There must be a book in Thiils library about hiking. Artesia will find it for her.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Chaos Tree.jpg

Chaos and the Tree

[Shalherana]: *Slowly attempts to touch the center of Aracena's forehead, then her heart, then her stomach.*
[Shalherana]: ... evils
[Shalherana]: be
[Shalherana]: gone.

[Shalherana]: For light, there must be shadow. It is not a mark of shame you bear.
[Shalherana]: Wear it with pride. Be in suffering no longer.
[Shalherana]: Be at peace, and should all the peoples give you pardon for the burden you carry.


Will be doing some updating on this profile over the coming days.
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
View attachment 62951

Chaos and the Tree

[Shalherana]: Slowly attempts to touch the center of Aracena's forehead, then her heart, then her stomach.
[Shalherana]: ... evils
[Shalherana]: be
[Shalherana]: gone.

[Shalherana]: For light, there must be shadow. It is not a mark of shame you bear.
[Shalherana]: Wear it with pride. Be in suffering no longer.
[Shalherana]: Be at peace, and should all the peoples give you pardon for the burden you carry.


Will be doing some updating on this profile over the coming days.
I think this is a good thing? Yo real talk though that tree is terrifing. Its made outa people and stuff. Spoopy