Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Stormhold

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well ask why and what did you steal
i did waiting for a respond. I mean i set my thing as thief for a while and was being all stealthy in towns but its not like i broke through walls to steal stuff i remember seeing some stuff in a chest that wasnt locked in the middle of the ground.


Loyal Servant of Altera
well, I might consider rejoining. I dont want to impose upon anyone, as I have caused some damage


I think I might like it here
i personaly think mmine1 should get an apology. i personaly like him and thought he was a wonderful addition to the town. i recommed giving mmine1 the worth of the items he lost in radiants.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Thanks cannon, I just want to see what everyone thinks about me rejoining the town. I am temporarily staying in the aspendale inn as I await the decision


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i personaly think mmine1 should get an apology. i personaly like him and thought he was a wonderful addition to the town. i recommed giving mmine1 the worth of the items he lost in radiants.
uhh no because we wouldnt of gotten attacked if he wouldnt of opened the gate and made it a event we could of just hid and the admins wouldnt of even of bothered. Plus he focuses way to much on combat and not RP.


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oh i also forgot to add he kept trolling and talking in ooc on how he is going to leave. It persisted for a good hour.


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shut up. he would never do something like that. plus you're a thief so you have no say in the matter.
what do you mean he would never do it he did it i dont like people complaining for a hour that there gonna leave then want back in he doesnt deserve to be back he will just troll more.


I think I might like it here
you're a thief and you shall be treated like one.
you have no say in the matter. it is between dracoboy2 and mmine1.
Why does it matter what i do when not in our town? I was just putting my opinion out there draco deserves to know what happened mmine complained for a hour that he was going to leave he leaves then wants back in doesnt deserve to be. Fight concluded good day.
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