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[Fort] - Red Haven


Lord of Altera
Hey NinjaDucky, I'm moving to Witches Brew. Nothing bad about Red Haven, honestly it's a great fort, even though forts usually have walls. I just can't stay in one place for too long or I'll die of boredom, I like to move about. Red Haven is a great place to live in with good organization. I have a lot of stuff in my chests so I'll need some time to transport, sell, or even get rid of stuff. Send my regards to Kaies. Good luck with the future of Red Haven.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Hey NinjaDucky, I'm moving to Witches Brew. Nothing bad about Red Haven, honestly it's a great fort, even though forts usually have walls. I just can't stay in one place for too long or I'll die of boredom, I like to move about. Red Haven is a great place to live in with good organization. I have a lot of stuff in my chests so I'll need some time to transport, sell, or even get rid of stuff. Send my regards to Kaies. Good luck with the future of Red Haven.
Yeah Zethcron thats fine, I totally understand your reasoning. Thanks for your time!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Okay, I have a rp event for Red Haven, so if everyone could come that'd be awesome.

Seeing as I am the new town treasurer, I would like to fundraise for the town. However, this job will not be able to be done by myself, so I need help from YOU! The event will be on Saturday the tenth of March, so we have quite a while to prepare. The event will be an 'all day event' To fundraise we will be cooking up cobblestone and turning it into stone bricks, and this will be sold for 100r ea stack, to raise money for the town. So everyone will have different roles. e.g. someone could collect cobblestone and coal, someone could be cooking the cobblestone, and another person will be turning it into stone bricks and selling it at the quest. Okay, now there will be rewards for joining into this event.

Everyone that participates will receive 1000 r each, for their generosity. So I was hoping that this might encourage more people to join the town. I hope that you can get involved, if so just leave a message below VV and I'll get back to you asap.

Here are the roles that you can participate in:

(no one yet)



Please get back to me soon so that this can be organised and done. (All profits will go towards Red Haven)


Im working on the payment.. @Kaies: yes there is room, all i have to do is make room. besides it wont be enormus...