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[City] Stormhold

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Lord of Altera
Okay, so here in my /2 scale of the arena would look like, as i have said before this is a rough version and i have not added an astetics so if you think its ugly than we can change it accordingly. but i believe stormhold needs something which will pull people in from all around altera and what better than a big tournament. Buuuut before any of that i need to have peoples thoughts and feedback of the arena. So reply on this thread or msg me in game. Dont judge me :(



Lord of Altera
Its a very good idea and i do agree that we need something that will pull people in. to really get a feel for it i recommend you do make it to scale and you use the hollow world texture pack (if your computer has the ability to do so).

i love how your working for the town and its greater good, I'm impressed with your attitude- well done. :)


Lord of Altera
Im thinking of starting a server for our town. A building server where we will build stuff for the town. And use some of the buildings? So we can correct each other and help each other. Instead of sending screenshots


I think I might like it here
Regards tbe arena, i personally have a few questions, one where would it go?
two how would we pay for the plots? I do like the design but i think its a little bland with just stone, steps and the watchers area i think needs work like steps etc, perhaps we could also host a tornament where we have to fight of waves of mobs and see who can last longest? as we do have a king rank in our town


Lord of Altera
I would say: i dont really like the thingy on top/above the arena. And i think you could have put some more work into it. It looks like a half circle with a thing above it. No offense.. Make some good interior and make the whole building a bit bigger


Lord of Altera
Im thinking of starting a server for our town. A building server where we will build stuff for the town. And use some of the buildings? So we can correct each other and help each other. Instead of sending screenshots
Well to reply to both your posts if we can use a server than we can adjust it and change it so everybody likes it!


Lord of Altera
Btw, i didnt say any of it to be mean or anything. I just thought it looked a little bit boring, With everything made out of the same material.


Lord of Altera
Okay, i've tried a bit more with asthetics this time but its not 100% done ofcourse, i assumed our town colours were green, but that can be changed for for what ever the colours our. Also i was thinking of adding a stand on the higher teir reserved for the high-kings but that doesnt matter i'll do that later. So that is too scale but it doesnt have an entrance or the pillar type things (if you still want them to be part of it) and theres still no interior.



Lord of Altera
Okay, this is my final peice. I hope you like it talk to me in game about it and i hope you like it! As i always say all the materials can be changed and also the pillar things will look different but they got a bit tedious and we were going to change everything anyway so i didnt see the point. I added the pillars, A little stand for where kings can sit and it has the best veiw. And also things we still need to add that i thought we'd do together would be the interior, the furnishing, like little traps on the arena floor that the kings can press when they want for their amusement. Hope you like it!



Loyal Servant of Altera
kk xD im thinking of staying in storm two! i have a feeling i wouldnt be a good mayor D: ill send it when im back (on tuesday) this dinosaur cant run mc.... -_-!! lol see you guys tuesday xD


Loyal Servant of Altera
I can't sorry Lemon. I have changed my mind and staying in Stormhold. Could you send the 20k back? I left a sign outside your house as well. I'll give the 18 gold back as well. :)
Get a mod to delete it xD i dont think ill be doing the town xD


Draco, for the house I now have, I need to talk in game with you about re-modelling and things. What occupation is needed for the town, as I'd be happy to convert 1st floor into that. And also the basement under it I need you to assess, as it seems to branch out beyond the confines of the plot. If I may completely remodel the basement and everything it would be much appreciated. But just thought I should say this before I do anything. :p


Lord of Altera
We need miners and woodcutters, but really any position is available. You can do what you wish with the basement but i recommend that you try to not build it any bigger, to be honest you can do what you like with the house as long as you don't edit the outside too much.


We need miners and woodcutters, but really any position is available. You can do what you wish with the basement but i recommend that you try to not build it any bigger, to be honest you can do what you like with the house as long as you don't edit the outside too much.
Sweet thanks. I'll do both occupations. :p
Does that mean that I can change my occupation title in the longhouse?
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