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[City] Stormhold

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Lord of Altera
Abel Holmi said:
The History of Stormhold:

Most cities hold most dearly their past of riches and prosperity; Stormhold can say no such thing. The City itself was founded out of ruin- refugees from their grief stricken lands in the north settled down in camps. There camp itself rested on the foothill of an ancient mountain- long since forgotten by the dwarves that had mined it. But they lived, farmed the fertile grounds and bred animals. 20 years passed, the city developed from a small tent town to a slightly larger town of building- yet primitive they were. Good times did follow yes, but this could not be said for much longer. Pirates came from the shores; orcs from the hills even men wouldn’t let the land stay free. The town, which had been ravaged, split- different factions spread throughout the surrounding areas in their foolish hope that it would be better, more peaceful maybe.

Stormhold, or what was left of it, struggled onwards. The town was no more than a sparsely populated village but the sense of pride grew in the hearts of all the townsfolk. 200 Years after its creation, Draco came to the land for he too was a refugee escaping the destruction that his homeland only now offered. With fierce determination burning in his heart he saw a future, which no man had dared to see. Could Stormhold be what he spoke to the people, a world power, a fierce enemy and prosperous ally? Of course the villagers did not know it yet, but it could and it certainly would be just what he said it could be. He united the clans of the land, for the pirates grew stronger and their threat of invasion was one that no one could ignore. Around this time the hall was built up- and a keep on the end of it. Bridges, roads, shops, markets were all constructed- all in the attempt to recreate Stormhold. But one day, the threat proved to be true and a force did come from the strange, unexplored territories of the pirate nation... Did this destroy the city? No, but it did come to the brink of destruction. Actually it could be said that it helped more than it damaged. The loyalty, which was displayed throughout that time, could never have been before Draco.
As told by the great librarian of Stormhold!
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