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-=[ Rank Up Requests ]=-


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
I believe Kublai should become tier 2 about now. With Evenfall opening I might rp him a bit more again :)
There's an overview of his deeds and things in the spoiler of "rank 1 to 2"


You've yeed your last haw
Staff member
Events Staff
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-=JAX TIER 2=-

Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status:
Received T1 in May 2022

The next time Alexandr goes to open his shop. He would find a customer already waiting for him. A normal looking man, who greets and smiles to him. The man browses the shop and picks out a few things. He pays swiftly and leaves. Alexandr then just noticing the fool had left more money than what was owed. The man long gone as goes outside to catch him. He looks down finding a special token inside the coins left. Gold with the symbol of Jax. He can feel the acknowledgement from the God in this lucky mistake. Pocketing the coin separate from the others to admire it later. Only to find the pocket had a hole. The coin lost but was in his grasp for a moment. Luck running it's cycle.​

For my Alt - Reagati.

Visage T0 -> T1

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread:
{X} Worship officially began 26/09/2022 requirement met {26/10/2022}

The character must be at least two months old OOC:
{X}Character sheet made {25/09/2022} requirement met {25/11/2022}

Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up.
This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others

After searching for as many shrines of Visage as he could, he found a need to make a small necklace relating to Visage to wear around and hang on his shrine at home.(13/10/2022)

Aramis started a shop in the black market for making Masks. (4/11/2022)

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above:
1. Aramis sat in the tavern listening to those around him and their conversations to gain knowledge.

2. Out of all divine his path lead him to Visage

3. Aramis carved ‘Selectingly giveth thy Knowledge’ inside of his mask before going to speak to people about locations of Visage lands.

4. Found a secret entrance to the 'coven of knowledge' within the Sewers.
Not approved:
- We're looking for something a bit more substantial for the acts and prominent deed; of them 4 is the most solid, with things like 1 and 2 not really being concrete enough to count. Please aim for two more notable acts, and preferably something that involves an event or interaction with other characters for the prominent deed.

I believe Kublai should become tier 2 about now. With Evenfall opening I might rp him a bit more again :)
There's an overview of his deeds and things in the spoiler of "rank 1 to 2"
Please fill out the rank up application format and post it here for us to review.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Please fill out the rank up application format and post it here for us to review.
I couldn't find the application format in the OP, but here's this from the thread I linked, does that work?

Has shown extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.

Has significantly contributed to (by attending) at least two events that are of thematic significance to their divine.
Attended one event; a meeting of visage folks in Drakenport. 07-12-2021
Attended the rite of passage event for the Visage cult. 10-12-2021

Kublai now wears a golden ring with a motif of eyes along the side of it.

A shrine was made in Frostwarts, the item offered was the divine golden ring of Korog that the prophet of Korog had made him.

Notable Acts:
Became a member of the Reflection's Truth cult of Visage.
Attend a sermon to Visage and pray along.
Regularly attends lessons about Visage and the powers of her blessed.


Lord of Altera
Valiant - Tier 1
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.Page was created on June 2nd.
The character must be at least two months old OOC.1 year, 10 months and still going.
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.He is 22.
Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up.
12/01 // Meeting Aki while sitting outside the Ashstadt Valiant shrine, they talked about event's in his life and his curse. He would express that, even despite not remembering the exact moment of his mistake, he regrets every second of it. And that he will always push on to try and make it right, despite knowing, he probably will never be able. Listening to Aki's advice, he gave the jousting shield he used to Valiant as an offer, and expresed his regret and grief, and asked to help him remember his actions, to never repeat them.
Three notable acts in line with their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
(I have so much, that I'll post 6)
  • 06/07 // He polished off his smithing experties after Valtae became interested in aquiring armor for herself. As his first craft in a long time, he smithed an armband dedicated to Valiant, now wearing it as his holy symbol.

  • 06/10 // Encountering radical anti-mage cultists while spending time with Reinhard, Carla and Adda in the tavern, he stood up to the promise he made, to protect mages aswell, and fought with the cultists. Holding himself back from doing anything out anger, he tried to incapacitate the cultists, to hand them over for questioning. In the end, the cultists succumbed to their wounds caused by daggers and broken bottles. Feeling disappointment towards himself, he and Rein took the bodies and burnt them at the pyre. He prayed for Valiant to find place for the cultists in Unlife.

  • 07/23 // Joining forces with the inquisition at the Lodestar's Ruins, he faces the onslaught of the demon army, fighting on for hours, dispatching dozens of demons. Getting gravely injured, when the Demon General throws his own sword into his chest. Pushing though the pain, fueled by resolve and his reletnless nature, he returns to the fight with sword in body. Praying to Valiant to let him stay up and keep fighting, he aids in the defeat in the Demon General before losing consciousness due to bloodloss, falling into a recovery coma for the time being.

  • 08/01 // Joining the defence of the medical camp at the Adventurer's Guild, he holds the line with the others, trying to fend of the demon hords. As fire spreads and the gate is breached, he remains with Lieutenant Adelhard in the front while others fall back to escort the wounded out. Holding out till the very end, he falls with Adelhard, buying enough time to evacuate the wounded from the hospital.

  • 11/28 // He would participate in the tourney organized by Soup under his alias, The Nameless Knight. Even despite posessing no experience in jousting and very minimal knowledge in horse riding, he would still go forth the same, managing to win at least one bout. Whilst in the end defeated, his forearm fractured, he hanged around aiding the others by handing them lances or helping them over to the hospital.

  • 12/17 // Returning to the Kraken's Den to refill his rations, he overhears a pair of nobles from Eldpoint disrespecting the sacrifice of the soldiers who fought in the Ivory War. Noticing that the others in the tavern seem to be on edge about something, spotting something on the balcony. He would call out the disrespect from the two nobles while moving over. As Ayda warns him about an attack, four assassins would try to kill the nobles with crossbows from the first floor. Moving his body in the way, he intercepts one of the bolts, taking the blow instead. After Valtae begins to tend to the attacked nobles he would begin to pursue the attackers. Chasing them through the tavern and roofs into a back alley, yone of the assassins break their neck as they fall from a roof, the other dies after accidentally stabbing themselve in the chest as Erwin tackles them. Unfortunatly 3 of the assassins die and one escapes, leaving them without anyone to question. One noble succumbes to her injuries whilst the other one surives thanks to their efforts.

One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)
Left at the Cathedral.

shielmd (1).png
Left at the Ashstadt shrine.

As much as I would wish to have this happen through an event or in character. I'm fully cool with either!


Lord of Altera
Its me... Hi! I'm reapplying for T2 GL, its me! (I'm reapplying, its me!)

[Divine Profile]

The Grey Lady: Tier 2Vowrawn
Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.Blessed to T1 on 10/09/22, Eligible on 10/10/22
Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
  1. Founded a Graveyard in the Ashlands for the burying of those lost in the Ashlands. The Graveyard also acts as a waystation for travellers.
  2. Free 96/100 Souls from a Soul Cairn with the aid of Exalt Ashna while in the Nether. 23/10/2022
The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)Two of the Grey Ladies Tenets is: Do What Must Be Done To Assure The Safety Of The Realm and Beware The Soul Steal, And Cut Down Those Dead Who Rise In His Image. To this end; Vowrawn wears his armor and weapons with various Grey Lady Iconography upon them. One item being: Necessity, a Blooded Silver Crowbeak Hammer which is his favored weapon.

View attachment 132689
Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.)Inside the Main Chapel of Gra'Kanat'Orra, at the Coordinates: 2878, 60, -9820. There is a large Silver shrine in the center of the room. [Item is in a locked Item Frame]
View attachment 132688
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
  • Participated in a celebration of the dead festival, organised by Exalt Ashna.
  • Casted Repose upon the Corpse of Adda, protecting it from tampering. Then proceeded to stand sentinel over the Body, acting as its warden.
  • Makes Stakes for the persecution and defence against Vyres for free, selling them for free in the name of charity.
  • With the aid of Linden Silveria and Frost, Vowrawn erected a Shrine at Bloodrose Glen to counteract with effigies in the Central Forests
  • Educated Velmont upon the nature of the Grey Lady and her domain
  • Consecrated three Amulets for Frost in order to prosecute the locating of effigies.
  • Alongside Fellow Blessed: Laicelem Vowrawn reposed the corpses of 4 Graverobbers as well as cleanising a Skraagite ritual done to one grave by Skala.
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She/Her, They/Them

VALIANT; T2Nilsa Ergeren

Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.

~ {12/11/2022} | Got blessed
~ {12/12/2022} | Achieved one month of blessed status


Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.

1~ {13/11/2022} | Made a glass of holy water to cleanse herself of Vyrism during the Mini-plague event
2~ {16/12/2022} | Fought some spiders to save a little boy, outside of mockingbay [X]

The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)

-Got a shirt made of blue fabric with red designs to go with her white shorts in visual appreciation of Valiant.

-added a small Valiant symbol charm to her Glaive.

love the chosen name LOL.pngHanging brooch for Valiant.png

Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.)

{15/11/2022} | After moving she set up and decorate a new Valiant shrine outside of her home; designing it to look like a sword, this new offering was an elven bow hung off the front followed by a brooch.

(coords = 5891.753 / 42.12500 / -14587.057) (Aka Frostlight)

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.

1~ {13/11/2022} | Taught William a little bit about the gods and Valiant (@Muunnyy ).

2~ {14/11/2022} | Became a squire of the Golden Order to Leonhardt after fighting him to prove she isn’t a coward, fighting for her honour

3~ {14/11/2022} | Attempted a duel of fort blood in Eldpoint with Leonhardt, The Golden Count. Practising her use of her blessed magics.

4~ {27/11/2022} | Joined a bi-annual joust tourney with the title; ‘Blessed of Valiant’ to joust in his honour. (X)

5~ {30/11/2022} | Taught Eyvind a bit about Valiant and helped him understand that one can worship silently or exclaimed.

6~ {11/12/2022} | Sparred with Leonhardt in the name of Valiant, doing a mini prayer before the spar along with after.

7~ {16/12/2022} | Duelled another Valiant blessed (Fortune ) during (I am Wake )'s opening ball.
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Essentially a Chihuahua
Aware Single
❁Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.
❁Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
>Created a Temple to Sallana, dedicating her island to her worship
>Using her Stem spell, she was able to save the lives of 3 people, alongside Melarue during the siege of the Warped Eden
❁The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)
>Her Wedding Ring "Ever-growing Love"
❁Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering.
>A Precursor Moonstone with Bio-luminescent Lichen was gifted at the Temple of Sallana in Valencella [x: 1164, z:7982, y: 52]
❁Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
>Helped deliver Melarue's baby
>Created the cult Love's Serene Tranquility to help in creating therapy to help those in need. {X}
>Helped rescue miners from a collapsed mine, removing spiders and releasing a Wisp of Chairty.
>Blessed Valtae and Fjord with the Blessing of Fertility to guarantee a safe and easy pregnancy.
>Hosted the Winter's Potluck in order to feed the people of Ashstadt, and host a Secret Santa event in a display of unconditional love and friendship. {X}


Bored Brit
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.
Divine Profile was made in October 2021 to be an on-again off-again pursuit.

The character must be at least two months old OOC.
The character was made back in 2016.

The character must be at least sixteen years of age.
The character is in his early fifties.

Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.
Abandoned their Arcane Spark in Eviscism to resume their forthright calling in service to Korog.

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.
[From his creation until his Arcane spark (a period of roughly 2-3 years) he was a devout follower of Korog with plenty of crafts and deeds dedicated to His name, such as aiding in various attempts to revitalise a Dwarven Kingdom and pursuing mastery of whatever crafts he can]

I. Begun delving a home in the Mountains to house his Workshop and any wayward Dwarves of his Clan or Craftsmen that may seek aid and a hearth. See: Dwardun.
II. Built a giant dedication to Korog of Refined Irzis Fyr. It stands central within his town and depicts the everwatchful face of the Allfather. See: Below.
III. He began the ongoing secret experiment of invention. See Lore Ticket-0321.

One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)
The warhammer of his father; His former arcane focus. [No OOC item as it hails from before the crafting system. Would've been left in the Cathedral ruins of Storm's Landing].

Figure 1.
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Arget Istalri

Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
Unblessed -> T1

T1 Requirements:
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.
- Created 10/1/22
The character must be at least two months old OOC.
- Achieved on 10/16/22
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.
- Rezkiaz is in his 20s
Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.
10/14/22 - During a trek through the swamps with his fellow Earthspawn Tiek, the two came upon an unholy site where a man laid on the ground, incapable of rising due to the wounds to his legs. Whilst investigating the site, Rezkiaz touched a cursed dagger which exploded with cursed power, filling his hand and thigh with shards of metal and raising the dead nearby. With Tiek barely able to stand herself due to the metal in her, Rezkiaz was forced to protect himself, Tiek, and the injured lad from the small horde of undead, fighting despite his own injuries to protect those who could not protect themselves. Despite Tiek's help, Rezkiaz went down after taking a blow to the lower abdomen, taking an undead with him. He awoke to find his injuries partially healed, both him and Tiek believing it to be the magic of the swamp, when in reality it was due to Tiek's sparking. To this day, Rezkiaz secretly believes it was a blessing from Murkztob, and Valiant as well.

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.
12/09/22 - During a Storm's Landing daily, Rezkiaz and others in the Landing encountered a noble who reported that his caravan was being overtaken by bandits. Intending to try and keep some of the bandits from outright dying, Rezkiaz started by only using his shield, managing to knock out one of the bandits with a shield bash. Due to an injury, he was eventually forced to draw his mace, striking another bandit with it. Despite his intentions the second bandit he struck suffered from fatal internal injuries, slowly dying as his ribs pierced his lungs. Rather than ruthlessly end this second bandit, Rezkiaz decided to treat his fellow combatant with honor, placing the man's weapon back in his hand and trying to ease the pain as the bandit slipped off into realms unknown.

12/19/22 - In order to satisfy one of the tenants of Valiant, Rezkiaz has taken to training often in Blackrush, at the training pits where he was resurrected. On one such occasion he met Tiek there, asking her to duel with him so he might hone his body for battle. Despite being bested he was able to practice with both armed and unarmed fighting, allowing him to gain more experience with different fields of fighting.

01/05/23 - While spending time in the Landing and getting clean in the baths, Rezkiaz came upon a vyre feeding. Rushing in at the first call of help, Rezkiaz quickly ran in with only a shield to defend the woman who was quickly losing blood to the Vyre. With a successful strike of the shield he threw the vyre off and drove it away, before taking the woman to the hospital while tending to her bite wounds.

One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)

01/06/23 - At the Blackrush fighting pit, Rezkiaz places a small bag of dirt. This dirt was given to Rezkiaz on the day of his rebirth, and is the same soil which resides within the pit that all new Earthspawn rise from. Rezkiaz leaves this offering at the shrine by the pit in a gesture of gratitude for his return to life, and leaves it with the intent of 'returning' the dirt to the god who raised him. (-6788, 88, -10950)


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
GwyrthiolT2 - Skraag
Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.
Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up1. Procured and sacrificed the corpse of {Laya Evelynn} for Skraag in the greyling warren pit. Continuing a prophecy foretold upon the return of greylings.

2. Creation of the [Maw of Phage], Gwyrthiol's own domain where he serves his utmost desire of gluttony in the ways of Skraag.
The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)Maintains a coin of Undeath on him made by Targ, as well as a trinket [Mossy Skull] given to him by the Exalt of Skraag, Karn. Markings of Skraag also line his skin [Divine passive]
Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.){-1418 16 -3265} Shrine location, offerings found in the pit.
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.1. Helping the creation of Ycarnifallalan where in arenas, people take to the joy of murder and death of animals and people alike taking to combat.
2. Attends the [Forged in Undeath] event, where Gwyrthiol amongst his family, witnesses the restoration of his race, marking the success to his contributions to the new era of greylings, prophesized in his T1 visions. Furthermore, the Exalt of Skraag rewards him with a trinket of Skraag, passing it down to him.
3. Attends [Purifying Corruption] event, aiding the host of the event, Hellmann in offering prayers as that of blessed and watching those attending the purification of a gravewalker.
4. Holds the [Enter the world of Skraag] event where Gwyrthiol himself had organized a place where meats and bloodwines were being provided for. While he held a sermon to Immortality and the great purpose of Skraag.
5. In his ventures, Gwyrthiol has sought out to offer people tastings of his cookings. Cookings of the things that he's hunted, that for the themes of Skraag, have been strictly meat based. Although not much, he's sought out to share the meal, the flesh of his prey with other adventurers among the eastern continent. So far, the people he's shared his meals with are:
6. Attends [A CLASH OF FOES], where with his father, uncle and other allies of the {Reaching Hand} Gwyrthiol beat back a flock of the Ivory King. Afterwards, Gwyrthiol gives prayer and collects the ashes of the demons to use for religious consumption.
Willingly took on feral vyrism to become more to the likeness of his god and to further embrace his own individual worship of him. Reaching a former skraag blessed, Evan. To sire him into the line of Gluttony.
8. Attempted infections of the following people: Melarue, Nilsa, Guinevere, of which Nilsa and Guinevere managed to manifest as feral vyres for a time. Guinevere and Nilsa are both infected through the offering of food, laced with Gwyrthiol's infected blood.
9. Due the [Heart of plague] campaign, Gwyrthiol has put up two stalls in Storm's Landing to spread disease and plague. In a further strive towards the goals of his cult [Children of Skraag].


Bored Brit
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.
18/05/22 - 18/06/22

The character must be at least two months old OOC.
October 2018

The character must be at least sixteen years of age.
Mathieu is in his late teens to early twenties.

Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up.
- Abandons his Blessings and Service to Jax in order to follow the faith of his forebears and receive his true inheritance.

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.
- Takes claim of the titles 'Heir to Arcturus' and 'Heir to Lavoyard' as previously held by the Anhalder Reichs, in accordance
with Ignis' sixth tenet in relation to his own bloodlines. [Nobility]
- Regains his claim over the County of Haven- home to the Holy See of Podric Flanders- in accordance with Ignis' sixth tenet
in relation to his own bloodlines. He explicitly holds this title in personal union, free from Kaltic Overlords. [Nobility]
- Earns Third place in his debut Joust. [Glory]
- Helped advise Yelena in certain ways of the faith. [Faith]
- Pays an exorbitant amount of money to have his name, and that of his House, placed in stone as generous patrons. [Glory] [Nobility]

One offering of an item to their Divine at the Grand Cathedral. (Place in hoppers.)

- The Earring; Sleight [Trinket].

As a note. Mathieu gives his worship solely to Ignis but harbours a strong respect for the lost God; Bilworth and their aspects within Jax. It is for this reason that he continues to wear an Anchor pendant beneath his shirt- to honour the fallen son of Harateth/Ignis Synnove- and their lawful ways.
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You've yeed your last haw
Staff member
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Lore Staff
Server Outreach
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Shadow Owner
Has shown extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.


Its me... Hi! I'm reapplying for T2 GL, its me! (I'm reapplying, its me!)
[Divine Profile]


VALIANT; T2Nilsa Ergeren
Denied, but it's pretty close. I'd like to see something stronger for the first prominent deed (holy water), and two more distinct notable acts; sparring and talking to people about Valiant are relevant but relatively minor, so I'm counting them collectively as single acts.

Approved. Nice app, I know the Sallana ones can be tricky to find things to do for.


Approved, nice app

Approved, nice app



Lord of Altera
attempt two here we go!!

━━━━━━ ◦ ♡ ◦ ━━━━━━

[ Tier 3 - Sallana ]
[ Anwar Attia ]
[ Divine Profile ]

Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2.
Two OOC months since 2022/02/21

Describe the three most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
♡ Hosting a tea party in the Gardens of Endearment and restoring [Bountiful Harvest].
♡ Hosting parties at the Tilted Whale and Anchor Taproom to encourage self expression.
♡ Assisted in the exorcism of Sophie Velour, purging the demon from her soul.

The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine.
Anwar believes in Sallana with his entire heart, having already given up the faith in Jax he was raised with in favour of her worship.

Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.
Anwar views Sallana not just as a loving mother, but as a caretaker to all. He's a strong believer in charity and believes it is one's duty to help those less fortunate, and as such he frequently takes part in charity work.

Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine. (Hunting, Fighting, Dancing, etc)
♡ Gave Avalyn Tideborne music lessons for months free of charge, helping her learn to play the lute.
♡ Gave Horus several lessons on various aspects of Sallana's faith and worship, including several lessons on poetry.

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.

♡ Designed and built the Sallana shrine at the Eldpoint cathedral.
♡ Knitted blankets for children at the Storm’s Landing Orphanage, completely free of charge.
♡ Provided free childcare for both Florence and Eliss on several occasions, even crafting gifts for the children.
♡ Gave valuable insight and advice to Eliss on several occasions, helping him work through his personal issues so he can improve his relationship. Additionally he also helped the man plan his engagement and even gave him a bottle of fine wine to help.
♡ Proposed to his longterm boyfriend during a picnic date, loving him enough to spend the rest of his life with him, overcoming his trust issues and previous misfortune with romance.

|| To Great Lengths ||
They must showcase ten additional instances of significance in the name of their Divine. These should be of importance, be it through protecting a group, hunting down something of significance, the poisoning of a town, or some other action. Why these actions are considered significant should also be added to your logs, how your character personally feels them necessary or important.

♡ Volunteered his medical services several times, helping to provide comfort to those injured.
+ Twice at the Eldpoint hospital (here and here)
+ Once at the Adventurer's Guild infirmary (here)
♡ Set up a kissing booth at the Blossom Festival, raising over 6k radiants for the Magnolia Charity.
♡ Ventured into the Eldpoint Crypts twice to speak with ghosts, using his divine magic to help them move on.
+ He helped two ghosts pass on by casting [Vision] on them, helping the first fulfill her dream of flying and the second fulfil his dream of having a family (here)
+ Met the ghost of Violen Altham and helped her pass on, using music and stories of familial love (here)
♡ Restored the garden at Sularia Manor, transforming the frozen and barren land into a healthy vineyard.
♡ Came across Horus, a man down on his luck, and provided him food, water, clothing, and a place to stay.
♡ Led a sacrifice in honour of Sallana during the Spring Festival in Astrakhan.
♡ Officiated the wedding of King Leighton Altham and Queen Citrine Azerwind, even sewing the wedding dress for the Queen.
♡ Led the citizens of Eldpoint in song to raise morale, filling the city with music and joy.
♡ Assisted the Realmsguard in slaying demons in Verdant Valley, make the town safe again for civilians. He helped the people settle back into their homes and hosted a celebration of song and dance, returning merriment to the Valley after the fighting was over.
♡ Took part in a divine summoning for Sallana, offering support for Sophie as she tries to return to the faith.

━━━━━━ ◦ ♡ ◦ ━━━━━━


Lord of Altera
Applying for T1 Theodra for Bor!

[Divine Profile]

Theodra: Tier 1Bor
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread. Profile created on Sep 26, 2022
The character must be at least two months old OOC. Bor was born July 27, 2022
The character must be at least sixteen years of age. He is physiologically in his late 20's
Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.Hunted an undead garulf with a team of other Earthspawn and one anonymous hunter; praying before the hunt, tracking and killing the beast swiftly and mercilessly and keeping his pit-kin from being mauled to death after two of his party took grave wounds. Additionally ensuring the entire corpse was used.
Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above. 1. Hunted a mighty elchbar outside of the Landing. Bor began the hunt in Nid Arach where he had attacked it, though his prey escaped him. A day or so later he was able to track the beast down again as it rampaged outside the festival grounds, bringing the beast to and end and ensuring that it was dealt with.

2. Learned the tenets of Theodra from Cieren, beginning his study of them and insertion into his life as he began following the way of the Great Wolf.

3. Traveled across the Cerulean Expanse, meeting with other Theodrans to learn their way of religious practice and to gain further insight and perspective on differing opinions and ways of life under her tenets.

4. Began formal training of hunting and tracking with Cieren, his Theodran mentor.
One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.) His snowflake-themed metal gauntlets - the first possession he owned other than his pitdirt - was offered to the Theodra shrine in the Storm's Landing Cathedral on 22nd Oct. 2022.


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
ROGAL GLADE - The Exalts Son.Jishrim - T1
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.Yes - Link to profile [x]
The character must be at least two months old OOC.He is.
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.He is.
Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.- Exorcism: In Rogal's final act with Dranoden, he dedicated himself fully to Jishrim, the Mad One, and sought his help with his Mother for relief. After a long arduous task, Jishrim lifted the affliction of him and he dedicated himself to the flock of the Mad One. Screenshots attached.

This Exorcism occurred not once, but twice. The first time resulted in Rogal and Cassandra dying at the hands of Dranoden. During the first exorcism, Rogal turned directly to Jishrim for aid -- and swore to dedicate himself to the Mad One for eternity. It wasn't until the second Exorcism that all came through.
Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.- Set Chaos in Storm's Landing: He has spread Chaos in the name of Jishrim all throughout the Landing. This included torturing individuals. Blaming Frost Fletcher for instances of trickery although it fell to him. Kidnapping Sydri. Assaulting a few. A warrant went out for his arrest for the ensued chaos: [ Asero motions to put out a warrant for Rogal's arrest and questioning on grounds of: murder, kidnapping, assault, threats of violence, tricking one into a contract.]
- The Serpents Den: A Brothel that is opened in Jishrim's Name in the Landing. Serving as a home for trickery, madness, and more. Deep in the depths holds a shrine dedicated to the Spider. (Image Attached.)
- Horns for the Mad One: After his Exorcism, Rogal asked Branko to carve off his horns while he was awake. To suffer through the pain in dedication to Jishrim, to receive punishment for his false adoration of Dranoden. He then offered the horns fully to Jishrim as a result. The pain he felt further led to the Madness that had consumed him from the exorcism.
One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)Rogal offered up a live offering; her name was Gertrude. At his Exorcism, he offered this girl up to Jishrim by carving a spider into her right arm with his Serpents Fang Dagger. From there she was taken by Jishrim.

I have attached images of the RP's that occurred where I believe Rogal shows his faith in Jishrim. This mostly occurred because of Cassandra, Jishrim's Exalt, and the stuff with Dranoden. I am happy to expand on anything if needed. The images may not be cohesive as I screenshotted a lot in the moment/stuff may have been missed. Thank you!



Lord of Altera
Azuran, The Descendant's Line - Valiant, Tier 2

  • Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.
    • Accmomplished || Start: [11/29/22] - Finished: [12/29/22]
  • Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
    • Put himself on the line to defend Matthias, fighting against the Demon known as Dayton. In the process of such, he managed to distract long enough to ensure Matthias was not injured further or killed; but lost his arm in the process. Event DMed by Solus.
    • Developed The Descendant's Line, as a result of his recruitment of Aldren Storp, and push from his wife, Lirio Mal'arn. The Line is designed as a group of like-minded individuals, that seek to represent Valiant's desire to protect the weak and defenseless; to stand in their place, instead. Recruited Aldren Storp into such, as an acolyte and follower; and fellow warrior, to stand beside.
  • The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)
    • His wedding ring, Steadfast Love. Dedicated to Valiant, as Lirio's was dedicated to Sallana- showing their bond not only in love and life; but also their mutual respect in their faiths.
  • Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.)
    • Shrine created in the fort stationed in Ashstadt, the White Tower. The item is A Warrior's Promise; a ceremonial polearm made in offering to Valiant, and as a promise by Azuran to uphold his duty, until the end.
View attachment 134809
  • Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
    • Defended Astrakhan when its trade festival was attacked by raiders. Fighting against such, he forced three of the raiders to surrender, under sheer threat.
    • Delved into a mine, in order to save the various miners that had gone missing. Fought against a giant spider, managing to cleave the creature itself in half.
    • Took on Anton Ostrowski as a Ward and trainee, to train the man in the ways of strength and combat- to turn a coward into a warrior.
    • Faced off against the Demonic Forces lead by the Demon known as Dayton. Managed to successfully defeat the two demons he faced, sustaining bodily harm in the process- though quickly returned to battle, not backing down in the face of adversity.
    • *Updated*: Retrained himself in the ways of combat, in order to fight with the use of his singular arm; including the use of his greatsword. Requiring great strength and a method of building momentum, he has developed the ability to fight and has made use of such through a handful of events thus far, and intends to continue to do so.
    • *Updated*: Assisted, and directed Matthias along the path of Valiant, cementing the young man's journey from Magecraft, into a path alongside the Divine. While only the beginning, there is hope that Matthias will make a grand Valiant follower. [ as proof of Matthias' unranked profile, and beginning of his Divine journey. ]
Last edited:


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
  • Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.
    • Accmomplished || Start: [11/29/22] - Finished: [12/29/22]
  • Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
    • Put himself on the line to defend Matthias, fighting against the Demon known as Dayton. In the process of such, he managed to distract long enough to ensure Matthias was not injured further or killed; but lost his arm in the process. Event DMed by Solus.
    • Developed The Descendant's Line, as a result of his recruitment of Aldren Storp, and push from his wife, Lirio Mal'arn. The Line is designed as a group of like-minded individuals, that seek to represent Valiant's desire to protect the weak and defenseless; to stand in their place, instead. Recruited Aldren Storp into such, as an acolyte and follower; and fellow warrior, to stand beside.
  • The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)
    • His wedding ring, Steadfast Love. Dedicated to Valiant, as Lirio's was dedicated to Sallana- showing their bond not only in love and life; but also their mutual respect in their faiths.
  • Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.)
    • Shrine created in the fort stationed in Ashstadt, the White Tower. The item is A Warrior's Promise; a ceremonial polearm made in offering to Valiant, and as a promise by Azuran to uphold his duty, until the end.
View attachment 134809
  • Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
    • Defended Astrakhan when its trade festival was attacked by raiders. Fighting against such, he forced three of the raiders to surrender, under sheer threat.
    • Delved into a mine, in order to save the various miners that had gone missing. Fought against a giant spider, managing to cleave the creature itself in half.
    • Took on Anton Ostrowski as a Ward and trainee, to train the man in the ways of strength and combat- to turn a coward into a warrior.
    • Faced off against the Demonic Forces lead by the Demon known as Dayton. Managed to successfully defeat the two demons he faced, sustaining bodily harm in the process- though quickly returned to battle, not backing down in the face of adversity.
    • Recruited Aldren Storp as an acolyte and fellow worshipper of Valiant; entering him into service to fight against those that would seek to harm the weak. Armed him with Companion; his blooded silver sword, handing it down to the next line of Valiant followers, in the hopes that Aldren would do the same when the day came to gather his own follower.
    • Represented his faith's ideals and goals in many conversations when prompted- representing himself as a warrior, even with the lack of his arm, willing to do whatever he can to show his skill and ability. This has been prevalent in most conversations he has had, and continues to have; albeit a minor notable act, overall.
    • Given the title of Lord, and command over the fort within the White Tower of Ashstadt; for his leadership and determination, by Aleksei Ivanov.
Azuran, right? T2 Valiant?


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
attempt two here we go!!

━━━━━━ ◦ ♡ ◦ ━━━━━━

[ Tier 3 - Sallana ]
[ Anwar Attia ]

When Anwar takes an evening walk past the fountains in Storm's Landing next, a group of children in clothing that seems familiar gather around him. They recognize him for certain, and ask him for sweets and toys and stories. Perhaps it's something in the wind, but he chooses a song. A lullaby. And as soon as he starts to sing, he can tell that something is different. His voice is as it always is, but it sounds as if someone is singing with him. A woman's voice, harmonizing with his, weaving power through their words. The children stay transfixed, rapt for the duration. A few sing along with him, providing an innocent choral accompaniment for a verse. As the song winds down, more than a few of the children are looking at him bleary-eyed and quiet. They will have no trouble going to sleep for their caretakers tonight. One by one they slowly drift away to their respective homes. As the last child leaves, Anwar feels a warmth on his cheek, like a loving kiss, and achieves T3.

Applying for T1 Theodra for Bor!
Hey Moosh, this is a pretty solid start, but we'd like to see more acts outside of learning about the god in order to achieve blessed. We think you are shy two acts, and that should do it!

ROGAL GLADE - The Exalts Son.Jishrim - T1

Sometimes the stumps of Rogal's horns ache. Sometimes they hurt with a piercing pain that blurs his vision. It drives him to distraction. One evening it becomes particularly bad. His vision swims and swirls and he blacks out from the pain. Instead of coming to on the floor, however, he regains consciousness in an unfamiliar kitchen, with the contents of every cabinet pulled out and smashed upon the ground. In the fading light of the window, there is an iridescent arc - an upside-down rainbow, colors swirling like an oil slick. It is unclear who lives in the house he's found himself in - no one is home as he makes his way out into the night, stepping into the power of Tier 1.

(No I will not apologize for this color in dark mode)​
Azuran, The Descendant's Line - Valiant, Tier 2
You've got a solid start to your T2 application here, good work! However, we'd like to see a few more acts along the lines of active defending and the like, as some of these read like the same act (event links work well to clarify this if they were not), and conversations are generally not accepted as acts unless there was something significant about them. Right now divine staff believe you need at least two more acts to replace any combination of the last three you have listed. Please reach out if you have any questions.