Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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100 Chibi Challenge [Complete]

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Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
same for me! But people are so eager to hear me sing (i can't sing, i am serious) but they still want me to bloody sing...all the time..........
Have you ever considered looking at the current page when replying? :heart:


Jane of all Trades
Retired Staff
Have you ever considered looking at the current page when replying? :heart:

If i wanna reply, i will reply! :heart: (love you babe, kiss winky face and all that creepy stuff tweens do)
Just stay civil with each other please while on threads. If it was obvious I wouldn't comment on it..and while it may be fine with you two, it bothers other people. This sort of stuff is what we warned you both about before. This is another 'gentle' warning to leave it off the forums. Now let's return this thread to it's original intended purpose, which is Sally's amazaballs artwork and requests thereof.


The White Mage
Do you have a char profile? D: Any chance of getting one?
The day I go back to schoo-

I'll whip one up later, it should be ready by tomorrow morning your time ^^
(P.s. Thank you so much, again, for doing all of these :heart:)
(P.p.s. Also Sally, please excuse the abhorrent amount of incoming Player love's - I missed a few posts on here it seems ;_; )
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