Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Alex_Clewood's Application [Approved - Squidziod]


About You!

1. What is your Minecraft username?
2. How old are you?
21 years old

3. What country are you from?

4. Have you read the King's Law, Tome of Citizenship, Official Lore, and the Survival Guides yet?
Yes, I have
5. In your own words, how would you define metagaming and powergaming?
Powergaming is making up powers that give you unfair advantage or using actions in RP that do not give the other player/s an opportunity to react. Metagaming is knowing something that you have not heard in game, or having information that is obtained with out of character-means
6. Do we allow X-Raying mods or X-Ray texture packs on the server?
7. Name one of our current Mentors.
Cukie1, Fjor_Wilkstrom
8. Tell us about yourself!
Hey! I live in Finland and I'm studying to be a Electric and Automation-engineer. My hobbies include Taekwondo, hunting, scouting activities and shooting. I enjoy almost any kind of music, but I mostly listen to Rock and Metal. I'm currently in Army-service as a Recon-Sniper, my service will be ending of December. I played World of Warcraft for 4 years and Star Wars: The Old Republic after that, I roleplayed on those but this will be my first "full-on" roleplaying experience!

9. Do you have any examples of your work?
During the time I'm writing this I'm in the service of the Finnish Defence-Forces, but after my service ends I will be continuing my studies to be an engineer.

10. Did anyone refer you? If not, how did you find our server?
I found the server on Planet Minecraft server-listing.

About Your Character!
Character Name
Osric Freemane

Character Age:
24 Years old

Character Race:

5'7 tall male with warm skin color, brown hair and blue eyes. Wearing white undershirt, and a thick dark blue cloth jacket on top with a hood and brown leather padding on both shoulders. Has fingerless leather gloves in both hands with buckles on them. Wears dark grey cloth pants with brown leather padding on both knees, and has brown leather boots. Wears a small bag on his back with the strap going across his chest, the bag has a metal buckle on it to keep it closed.

Written Test!

He said he'd be here today, I mumbled to myself as I drank my cup empty. I left a few coins on the table, got my bag and rose from the chair, sighed and walked out the tavern into the city streets. I wasn't sure if something had happened to my contact, as we agreed to meet on this spot a few days ago. Well, I said to myself. I'm not having any of that "supposed" treasure now, as I didn't even get the map I paid for. Too stupid of me, to trust a person and pay out front for something I had not even seen yet. Now I need to travel all the way back to Sanardú to tell Bromley that the trip is no-go, I thought to myself as I was walking towards the city gates. It's going to take me ages to get there, even with a horse. And more than that, it's going to be dangerous. Traveling through wilderness is no easy task in the slightest, and I need to stack up on supplies before leaving, so it's going to cost me too.

The first day I rode without stopping, so I could get out of the plains and to the forest. Night fell quickly and I made myself a fire, and some food. As I started eating, I heard screams from deep within the forest. I got up and drew my sword slowly, taking measures not to make a sound. I listened. As I heard the next scream, I ran into the forest. For a moment I saw almost nothing, due to the fact I had been just sitting next to bright flames. "This is nothing like me." I thought as I ran through the trees towards the direction I heard the screams coming from earlier. "I'd never risk myself like this if there was no money to be gained." I was thinking as I ran. Suddenly there were no more trees, I had ran straight into an opening in the woods. As my eyes had adjusted to the darkness, I could see ruins. The ruins weren't too big, so this could have been a temple for the old gods as their supporters weren't too large in numbers.

The clouds move slowly on the night sky and they reveal the moon, which lights up the opening just enough that I can see something lying in the ground. I start to walk towards it, slowly. Watching my steps, making sure I won't make a sound. As I get closer I see that it's a grey wolf, quite common in these woods but they rarely travel alone. This one is dead so I need not to worry about that. I quickly scout the area around me for more wolves, but what I see is not a wolf. On the ground, near the ruins there lies a tall dark figure. And in the moonlight I can only see it's pure white hair, and two bright purple eyes. That glimmer in the darkness.. Those eyes belong to to a Moor-Elf. I know it.. The Elf lies there, just watching me. I start to move towards the Elf, and as I get closer it picks up an old Elven sword of poor quality from the ground and points it at me. I stop in my tracks, stare at the Elf and I can barely hear it saying: "Don't touch me Kreesh'Mok." I notice the Elf's hand is dripping blood, and I realize that it must have killed the wolf just now. Now that I started to look more carefully I could see that the Elf's left side had tears in the clothing and I could see it's bare, light grey skin with bitemarks on it. I looked the Elf straight into it's eyes and said: "Please, put down your blade, my name is Osric." The Elf looked surprised and placed the sword on the ground. I walk up to the Elf and place my sword next to the his. Yes, I can now clearly see that the Elf is a male, and I can also see that he is quite injured. Not lethally, as I have bandages and alcohol in my bag.

I grab my bag and the Elf almost takes up his sword, as I make the sudden movement to reach the bag from my back. I slowly take the bag off and show it to the Elf, and reach in to take out the supplies I need to patch him up. He looks at me and mumbles quietly "Thank you.." I don't even know what to say, I had never helped someone just for the sake of helping. But somehow, it felt good. After I got him bandaged, I escorted him back to my campsite which now had only embers in the place where the was a fire before I left. I throw some smaller sticks into the embers and they burst in flames almost immediately. I offer the Elf a seat on a fallen tree trunk and he looks at me almost with disbelief. "Just sit down, I'll get you some food." I say as I'm walking to my saddle bags that are on the ground next to my horse. I grab some salted meat for me and my new friend, and walk back to the fire. I hand over the meat to the elf. He starts to eat as I add some wood to the fire and sit next to him on the fallen tree. For a while I just sat there staring in to the flames, suddenly I'm woken up by the Elf's voice saying: "Your medical skills are terrible." I laugh quietly and say: "I guess so, you of all would know."

During the night we talked some more, and he tells me that his name is Thallan and that he isn't part of a Clan, he didn't tell me if he was exiled or if he left from his own free will. Nor did I ask, it is none of my concern. At some point of the night I fell asleep. I woke up just to realize it's almost noon, and I should have continued my journey to Sanardú hours ago. I look around but I can't see Thallan, nor can I find my sword. I curse myself for being too careless, again. Now I have nothing to defend myself with. Even tho I'm angry at myself, I have no choice but to pack up and keep on going.

I gather my things and walk to my horse. As I'm about to stuff all my belongings into the saddle bags, I notice that the tree my horse is tied to has something leaning on it. I walk to the tree and see that it's Thallan's sword. I take the scabbard and pull the sword out, look at it and smile. I put the sword on my belt as I walk to the saddle bags. I pack my things, saddle my horse and leave. As I'm riding, I think about the events of the night and come to a conclusion. I should always help someone in need, just for the sake of helping. As this time, I made a friend, and an ally.
Who knows, what would happen next time...
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Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
A few things:
  • Human characters can not start knowing Mok'yra in any capacity. It's a closely guarded, almost "secret" language that is very hard to learn. Consider having your character motion to the Moor his peaceful intentions in lieu of verbal communication. You also could switch your race from Human to Moor if you wanted to stay with this culture. That would be fine too.
  • Remember that starting equipment and knowledge must be basic. The sword acquired must be of poor quality, and his skill with medicine must be limited. Not finding too much fault here, but please keep it in mind for the future.
I would like you to amend your story to not include your character speaking Mok'yra, and to put a clarification on the quality of the sword. Once you've done this, post here and I'll take a second look. Great looking application for the most part, thanks for being patient!
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Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
Congratulations, Alex_Clewood!
I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay on Hollowworld. Before logging on, make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our world, Altera. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our Tome of Citizenship. Make sure you consult either of these two or ask one of our Mentors for help if you have any questions about how things work.

If you're stuck unable to interact with anything or chat, try using /warp whitelist, and if this doesn't work then please message a staff member with the problem.

You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later. (These are very useful, by the way.)
Survival Guide
Tome of Citizenship
Commands Guide
How to create your character profile
Town Census
Server Rules
Using Titles ingame
Rules for Roleplay
The Players' Handbook
Lastly, please make sure you understand the following points. It's very important. As a new player, once you play you may be tempted to "test" out an x-ray mod... don't do it! We have a zero tolerance policy for them.

1) We have active members of staff monitoring players suspected of using X-RAY. We have extensive logging capabilities which also highlight to us when X-RAY is suspected. Anyone caught using X-RAY mods or Transparent Texture Packs will be permanently banned without appeal.
2) Anyone found to be griefing our server and subsequently blaming their sibling, friend, dog or any other person other than themselves will be banned irrespective of their innocence.