Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Aracena Mithtanil [Deceased]


The Lurker
Retired Staff
So added some music to the main profile on the last post. Cause it needed something there. Sooo.... MUSIC and Themes! :D The Rocks and Water is actually a really great song, but the studio version isn't on youtube and I"m too lazy to upload one myself. So there's.. that poor quality one. And ti's not /perfect/ as it talks about a daughter. But eh- Close enough.

Also, any Breaking Benjamin song, really, can be applied to Cena.​


The Lurker
Retired Staff
ALSO- Updated the personality. She's too chaotically unbalanced right now, so I reworded to to display that.


The Brainz
Retired Staff
But you have RPed with this character. :3 Thrice.
Yes but like two of those times were just passing encounters with Roran. And the other was so long ago with a long inactive character. xD
I need to RP more with my current characters! She just seems so interesting.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Yes but like two of those times were just passing encounters with Roran. And the other was so long ago with a long inactive character. xD
I need to RP more with my current characters! She just seems so interesting.
Well I'm on just about every day. :3 Thiil usually, but I'm dragging her shut-in butt to the Crossroads more as well.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
HEY GUYS! So. Right. I did a thing. A thing has been done. My main account, Niah_Dacar that I use to play Aracena has had a name change. Niah_Dacar is now Aracena. The account I play Niah on is currently Dacar_Niah. So maaaybe might help with the account confusion. Maybe. I don't know. Hnnng.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
I'd forgotten to age Cena. I've been aging her alongside the kids because, well. Human. Years matter. :p

I'll be pretty glad when they slow their roll. xD

So yeah- 36 years old now. Which is funny. Since Mercy is also broodmother of 36. :p


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I'd forgotten to age Cena. I've been aging her alongside the kids because, well. Human. Years matter. :p

I'll be pretty glad when they slow their roll. xD

So yeah- 36 years old now. Which is funny. Since Mercy is also broodmother of 36. :p
Oooh how old are the kids now? @Elz is aging jaxonbb with the mithtanils afaik :D


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Yisss. I'd forgotten about aging Jaxon too, so I was thinking he's eight now. >_> Nylarii been gone a long time if so, heh.
(Poor Mercy. 2manybabies.)


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Well. After searching through logs, picking RP's and quotes very carefully, the two main profile posts have been updated. I feel bad in a way, because the quotes are weighted to make everyone else out to be the bad guy and Poor Little Cena is just being picked on. Buuut... That's how she sees it. D:

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