Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Feudal Holdfast] Darkwood


Loyal Servant of Altera
I drowned in the river outside, actually there's 2 of my ghosts, but thats another story...


Lord of Altera
I really need to sort out the OP. If you are reading it for the first time, take it with a pinch of salt, the jobs are probably the only truly relevant bit at the moment. I am currently trying to work at getting everyone in a house of their own, and trying to free up the town economy etc, since we are no longer on the brink of disaster and residents can utilise a bit of autonomy now.


The White Mage
hey, sorry to trouble you (yet again) butI seem to havea bit of a problem: namely my money apparently disappearing down some interdimensional wormhole every day :( are we being taxed? because if so im losing money, and fast! down to 1.8 k radiants now, even with the daily 500 radiants + for voting....

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
I have a 5% tax rate set, pretty much so I can buy more plots.
I have always wondered what that 5% equates to in actual radiants, but I could never work it out since I don't really know how the tax system works either. Could you clarify for us how much you are actually taxing us per day in radiants? Sorry to be a pain Van :p


Lord of Altera
Basically 5% of however much money you have. For every 100 money you have town gets 5. I can lower it if you think it is too high.

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
Basically 5% of however much money you have. For every 100 money you have town gets 5. I can lower it if you think it is too high.
No, no, there should be no need. As long as I keep voting daily it should just about cover it. It may just be a heavier burden on our richer members (if there are any). Say for example someone with 50,000 would get taxed 500 rads, but even I would still consider it fair even if I were that rich.

I personally think you are ok to keep the tax as it is plus its for a good cause and the expansion of our town.

Thanks for clearing it up, I just wanted to understand the maths behind the tax system :p


I think I might like it here
I think 5% is fine. 10% was quite a bit. I was only at +100 Radiant with the tax from the daily vote. And sometimes the daily vote doesn't work.

I will be on more often after I get down with finals. Troublesome for me to change to 1.2 -.-

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
Hello All Im the newest member of DarkWood Old Man Varndell I am the new Blacksmith
Hey could you fill this in please.

Darkwood Application Form

Name (RP):


Link to RP Profile (By this I mean your character description and background profile. Not your forum profile):


Reason for joining (ie How did you arrive at Darkwood? What makes you want to stay and make your way in the world here? Are you a new player, or have you been playing the server for a while? Will you be working an Industry, or settling into a house?):

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
I am now planning to add a new library and also a teaching centre for all players to be able to enjoy in Darkwood. My plan for the teaching centre is to have a battleground area with different terrain, i.e. ice, grass, water and maybe some fire.

Also players will not be battling each other but making use of iron gollems, the programs will involve basic teaching on survival and full access to the library which, hopefully, will be stocked with all kinds of guide books. The programs will cost the player money to become part of but they will have a tutor and access to train with the gollems in the battleground.

This is just an example:

Access to the library of Knowledge and Wisdom

Basic Training: 500 rads - comes with 2 gollems to fight against and some basic tutoring

Comprehensive scheme: 1000 rads - comes with 5 gollems to train with and more thorough training and guided instruction. Also comes with full access to the library of Knowledge and Wisdom


Darkwood Application Form

Name (RP): Leobyn

Race: Human

Link to RP Profile (By this I mean your character description and background profile. Not your forum profile):

Leobyn is a simple young man setting out on his own in search of a place to fit in. He had been regarded as somewhat of a misfit where he grew up, and is eager to find a place to make a new start. His talents include Fencing, Archery, Hunting, Cooking, some farming. His love of the forest has lead Leobyn to become an aspiring Arborist.

Profession: No preference, I will take on a profession that needs doing.

Reason for joining (ie How did you arrive at Darkwood? What makes you want to stay and make your way in the world here? Are you a new player, or have you been playing the server for a while? Will you be working an Industry, or settling into a house?):

I have been reading about the server and after visiting a few other places, I decided that Darkwood is the place that interests me most. I like the idea of having a profession to concentrate on. I am new to the server, and relatively new to Minecraft in general. I'm not sure if I will work an industry or settle into a house, I suppose it depends on the circumstances.

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
I will invite you next time we are both online together and give you a guide around the town and explain anything you may have questions on. :)


I think I might like it here
I just finally got on after having no internet for quite a while.

I have a question about the Census Bureau.
I'm a resident but help in general. Should I put my name in the jobs I do like Tritton did?

Hurray for AT&T and there crappy WiFi =/

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
Yes, you can do just that. I am an all rounder and can help out with anything needed, jack of all trades (so to speak), so I put my name down on anything I do. Just to remind you though, to only put your name in the things you actually do or will be doing. :)

That way we can keep things tidy and know who does what :p


Lord of Altera
personal message master_pheonix using the template from the main page. Or if you find it handier you can just post it here.


Name (RP): TKhoaz

Race: Human

Link to RP Profile: Tkhoaz, a sky-pirate, travels the world looking for the rest of the members of the sky-pirates


Reason for joining (ie How did you arrive at Darkwood? What makes you want to stay and make your way in the world here? Are you a new player, or have you been playing the server for a while?): Tkhoaz was looking for the rest of his members when he came across a beautiful town, he decides to stay for a while, after a while he likes the town and stays, he likes to hunt for the world.

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
Name (RP): TKhoaz

Race: Human

Link to RP Profile: Tkhoaz, a sky-pirate, travels the world looking for the rest of the members of the sky-pirates


Reason for joining (ie How did you arrive at Darkwood? What makes you want to stay and make your way in the world here? Are you a new player, or have you been playing the server for a while?): Tkhoaz was looking for the rest of his members when he came across a beautiful town, he decides to stay for a while, after a while he likes the town and stays, he likes to hunt for the world.
Be good to welcome you into town, I will be on later on in the evening (GMT) time to add you. What is your minecraft name?

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
Notice to all Citizens:

This only affects those people who are still living in the:

- Farm House
- Hunter's Lodge
- Miner's Cottage
- Wood cutter's Cottage/ lodge

These locations are to be vacated of the people currently living within them, we have brand new houses that have been specially built for the citizens. I want to everyone to move into their own homes as soon as possible.

The main reason for this being that I want to convert those buildings into a new project that will bring in more visitors into Darkwood. This conversion will be the making of a new Darkwood Survival and Guidance University Campus and Grand Library of Wisdom and Knowledge.

I want to start planning the changes and implementing them very soon. Also things to be done within the city walls include moving all the animal and farm land outside of the town centre and into the neighbouring fields and new plots.

Any questions please post here or PM.


Master Pheonix
Steward of Darkwood