Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Foras Gylnith (Returning after inactivity - Application) [Approved- solus]


Loyal Servant of Altera
About You

1) What is your MINECRAFT username?


2) How old are you?

3) Where are you?
The Netherlands (Don't worry, my english linguistics are proficient enough to be able to communicate and understand everything from dialect to old english)

4) Have you read our guides yet?
I have, yes

5) Introduce yourself!
Well, this is a more paragraph friendly part. Hey there, I am Thomas, 19 year old student of Industrial Product Design, which was my next continuation of education after a horribly inefficient spending of my time in university for a year (and doing everything but studying). The study I, well, study now, involves ergonomic and artistical design of products, taking production techniques, constructional properties and material knowledge into prospective.

But enough about my study. I hardly talk about that topic at the place, so talking about it here would kind of void the perspective of me now, wouldn't it?

Of course I have hobbies, what do you think I am, someone who plays on Roleplay servers?
... Actually, scratch that...
Anyhow, I enjoy the little things in life. I can thoroughly enjoy art, to great discontent of anyone who joins me in my museum spelunking actions) I listen to music almost without end and when I don't have earplugs in, some tune always plays through my head. I don't practice a sport in particular, though I have been a rockclimber, martial artist and dancer, but I jog around the neighbourhood on regular occassion. I also love philosophy. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not one of those persons who let my own vision of the world be determined by philosophers from a different age. What I meant with it, is that I write philosophical works myself. I love to think and determine, objectively and subjectively view the world. One day, I just thought to myself that I shouldn't keep my thoughts to myself and wrote them down for recreational purposes.

Let's stop there before I jot down 8 more paragraphs about hobbies...

I play games, of course. They range from everything, be it your average RPG to something as productive as Kerbal Space Program, though I too have my preferences. I can lose myself in games like The Elder Scrolls and have played the entire series, even the parts that shall not be named (Battlespire, I am looking at you) just for the reason that there are always so many possibilities that haven't been tried yet. For example, I still have to make a fist-fighting battlemage in morrowind.

Sorry if this is dragging on, I just don't stop writing once I have started. Before you start thinking I am a narcisist, this holds to everything, from project reports to mechancis to lore to cooking recipes and back to project reports again. Just felt like I needed to clear that up.

Now, before I continue to the next question, I finish this statement with a last bit of information.

While I don't view myself as an experience roleplayer, I do know that I am mature. When I am in conversation with someone, you won't find me responding thoroughly written posts with a short response like "*nods*", but rather writes the elaborating and equally thorough answer they deserve. I Roleplayed on the Starbound server 'Serenity' for an entire year and I know of the dreaded feeling you will have when you write paragraph after paragraph and get unsatisfyingly short answers. That is not what roleplay is about (I know that Minecraft has a character cap. for messages, but nevertheless). On the previously mentioned server, I have been a server admin for almost the entire time that the server has existed (which should be about 15 months). I am not a stranger to problems of powergaming, lack of understanding with lore and mechanics and other dreading, horrible, night- and event-ruining events. Don't expect me to be subject of that problem, as I will try everything possible to avoid this issue in the first place.

6) Got any examples of your work?
Well, I have a lot of work from the Serenity, but that is whitelist protected so that is a bummer. I can link my philosophical work, but I won't say that it is an example of my 'work' rather than an example of 'my work'. I will link it never the less.

7) Did you explore our world prior to your application?
Why yes, I have. Mainly because I have played on this server before, but yes. I have been at Port Silver during the infection, travelled to the burning cathedral (Loved that place) and spent most of my time at the crossroads, enjoying my time with others.

8) Referrer: (Optional)
I was referred by Mairin, but I am not going to do that again, since I already referred her prior to my de-whitelisting. That would probably at least break one rule.

About your character

By The Nine, there is more to this application than met the eye.

That or I am just taking longer than usual...

But without further ado, let us continue!

Foras Gylnith

Blast blast blast, now I have to look that up again... Let's see...
It seems that he is 36 years old now

Forest Elf

Foras is a 5 ft 3 forest elf, with brown long hair and chestnut eyes, he is always seen carrying a tome, in which he writes his findings about the beastiary. He wears a green robe and yellow shirt as well as grey fingerless gloves for grip.
That is just a repost from before. I still have the sprite, so hey, that is a plus!

The Test:

Oh, I love this part. I will try to keep it short, since I have an actual character limit here.

“A long year, it has been. Time passes by so slowly if you are paying it attention” A calm and deep voice says.

The room is dark, ominously so even. The only proverbial light in the darkness is the actual light in the darkness that emits from a single candle on the oaken table. Before it sits a man.

Well, a man would be a slight overstatement. The forest elf is hardly past maturity physically, aging boyish features on his face. He is seated on a chair from the similar material as the table, possibly made by the same craftman. His hazel eyes are aimed at a tome opened somewhere halfway. Text in black on the left, pictures and undescribable, wordless gibberish on the right. The drawings seem to be of creatures of all branches of the tree of life. Birds, farm animals, fish, exotic carnivors, everything was represented. To your knowledge, everything was, at least.

The man talks in the same calculated manner again “Then again, it is I who is being foolish by paying it heed. And for what? Because it gives comfort to know that time is still passing by? Because it secures me to know that not everything has stopped living?”

The seat creaks as the man leans back into it, his gaze slowly reaching up to the wall he was facing. The shift in place revealed the face of the wall itself, showing the grey mossy walls of the damp place he was in. The 'bricks' that were used, looked more like conveniently shaped rocks and this chamber was by no means an architectural masterpiece, but it sufficed.

“Only a few more days. I will be able to see the sun again. I will be able to smell the fresh scent of newly cut grass” His stare turns to the ceiling. The dark undetectable roof that is the ceiling, that is. “One never appreciates the little things in life until they are missed. Have we really strayed that far from our existance that we have taken every single given thing for granted? What a pity really”

“Only a few more days before I can finally go back and venture again. Before I can start what I meant to do in the first place. I will start my pilgrimage, visiting every noteable place on the map, every monument of historic importance... Every forest that may hold new fauna...”

“And lets not forget head to the library... Study... Become the scholar I once was again... Perhaps indulge myself into a school of more... Mythical nature...”

He sighs, grasping the table again and falling forward with the chair, getting back into the position he started in “It should be spring by now... That will give me time to gather my stuff before the next boat departs... I will go again... Go back to the place I had to leave... Only a few more days...”

An eerie silence fills the darkness with nothingness, before the man speaks with a voice that is a welcome change to the quiet

“Only a few more days...”

“Before I am free”

He turns back, looking towards the door “Jailor, would you mind shutting the little window? I would like to fall asleep... alone...”

The man gets up and closes the tome, before standing in front of the candle

“I just have to be patient is all. Just a few more days”

With a blow of breath as gentle as a breeze of wind, the man blows out the candle and soon the room fades to black. You slide the wooden panel shut, shutting the room off from the outer world.

Foras recieved a letter during his stay near Port Silver. His parents both had gotten sick and he needed to head back home to take care for them. During his time back at the farm, he found himself quite easily bored, as he didn't find a new specimen to write about. The curiosity finally got the better of him as his discovering surge brought him to trespass on the land of prestiguous, yet moody merchant in pursuit of an unknown critter. During that same time, unbeknownst to Foras, the mansion of the wealthy businessman was burglared by skilled thiefs who, without any trouble, got away easily. When the owner returned, he frantically searched his premises to find that the only trespasser was the young forest elf. During court, he was played off as an accomplice and was thrown in jail for his alleged crimes against the city.

After serving a year in prison, he headed back to the farm to check on his folks and found out that his other siblings had arrived and relieved him from his shift. This allowed him to return again to Port Silver and to ignite the passion to learn once more with a new cause. The library of old and it's secrets...

And of course... magic


Well, that was fun. Either way, thank you for reading the entire app. I await the response with anticipation.

For now, I leave you with my pamphlet... Apart from that, till we meet again.

Yours truly,
Thomas Thesis on Life.doc?dl=0


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Just a note - If you are interested in magic- be sure to seek out the Teachers in-game to learn and not gain it through backstory.



I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our Tome of Citizenship. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question ingame.

If you're stuck unable to interact with anything or chat, try using /warp whitelist, if this doesn't work then please message a staff member with the problem.

You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.(very useful, by the way.)
Altera survival guide
Tome of Citizenship
How to create your character profile
How to find a town
Server Rules
How to use titles
Rules for Roleplay
How to use the forum
The Players' Handbook
Lastly, please make sure you understand the following points. It's very important. As a new player, once you play you may be tempted to "test" out an x-ray mod... don't do it! We have a zero tolerance policy for it.

1) We have active members of staff monitoring players suspected of using X-RAY. We have extensive logging capabilities which also highlight to us when X-RAY is suspected. Anyone caught using X-RAY mods or Transparent Texture Packs will be permanently banned without appeal.
2) Anyone found to be griefing our server and subsequently blaming their sibling, friend, dog or any other person other than themselves will be banned irrespective of their innocence.