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Forum Role-play:The Inn

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Lord of Altera
*The innkeeper grumbles to himself as he peers out of a window on the top floor, seeing the hopeless people bickering and talking to themselves.He sighs as he straightens out his apron and locks the doors, going down stairs towards the basement. He shakes his hair as he lifts up the trapdoor and starts to go over the barrels and taste each one. Trying to make the perfect ale.*
[[I won't be on for another 8 hours since of school,Thanks for all the good comments about this thread and the likes, I hope to maybe apply with this character for my whitelist application.]]


Lord of Altera
With the silence of the streets and the dripping ale on his lips, Marcus was having a good night, better than any other he's had. He picked himself up and he lost his footing. He trips and falls backwards hitting the back of his head on the wooden beam of the inn.
"That bloodly... woo...den.. thi-ng...
Marcus passes out on to the floor and all he remembered feeling was warm blood from his head.
(Yeah Grim, use that character to whitelist with, he is great!)


Lord of Altera
What are yer on aboot Arcone, I be calling this 'ere fella tha' name
*Points to the small Albino Rat on his shoulder*
Fer ye, yer name be Arcone the Grand, one of te finest Wood Elves I'll ever be meeting! Yer be wantin any more ale just be smells out here, ach, le's be headin inte the inn, ae fancy a free sleep
*Seth silently creates a hole in the side of the building, crawling through and heading upstairs finding a Nice, Warm room and sleeping, silently*
(Off to beds now...)


Lord of Altera
*Wakes up off the floor and holds head*
In Yoto? I think I passed out... Eh? What's going on!?
And why is this man on the floor?!
(I had to go and exercise now I'm back)


Lord of Altera
*The innkeeper climbs out of the cellar and lifts himself onto the floorboards. He goes towards the door and chuckles as the sun beams high in the sky. He pulls out a rusty key and clicks it into the keyhole. The door creaks loudly as he steps outside, inhaling the fresh air before placing a sign on the door.*

*The innkeeper claps twice as four Dark Elven boys run into the kitchen. All of them slaving over the furnaces as he strolls inside, whistling a merry tune before going back behind the counter.*


Lord of Altera
*Seth stretches as he get's out of the Inn's bed, his mouth forming a O as he lets out a tremendous Yawn*
Ach...Wha' even 'appened las' night?
*He silently wanders off to the Inns Bathroom for a bath, the smell of raw sewage over-powering other scents*


Roleplay keeper
*Is laying curled up in a cornner of the Inn, somehow she got in. The cap corvers her while body, making her almost blend in with the shadows*


Magus of Nothing
Walks into the inn slowly, looking dazed
Hello inn-keep. You wouldn't happen to have any beverages suited for one my size?


Real life redstone crafter
*The Tinkerer walks past the inn and sees a lot of drunk, passed out people outside*

*He opens the big wooden entrance door and yells*
Barkeep! Gimme some milk on the rocks. Stirred! Not shaken.


Lord of Altera
*The innkeeper grumbles in disregard as he hears the shouting man.*
"How 'bout I won't give ya feckin' milk ya arse aye! Don't feckin' come runnin' into mah inn and demandin' crap like that!"
*The innkeeper grumbles as he cleans some glasses, looking at the small halfling on the stool. He gently looks at his face before biting his lip.*
"Dat depends small one. I dunno what ya like ta drink so I can't git ya anythin'."


Lord of Altera
*Seth walks down stairs from haveing a bath, full clothed in his Dwarven Robes and Armour*
Bring me yer finest ales barkeeper!
*Seth waves to Barry and Jack, a smile erupting across his face*
Hail there, good te be seein ye!
*With that he takes a seat at a nearby Table*


Magus of Nothing
Inclines his head to Seth then looks up at the inn-keep
Well, just something small...
Chuckles and looks back to Seth
How are ye?


Real life redstone crafter
*Nods to the dwarf and looks back at the keep*
"Ow come on barkeep. Don't be so rude. Did the people outside kept you up all night?! Just gimme some milk..."
*Licks his lips with the thought of sweet lactose...*


Lord of Altera
Ach I be fine Ja'! And come Barkeeper, give Barry 'ere 'is Milk, e's been locked in 'is basement all night and 'e could use a refreshment! He be t'e Grand Tinkerer yer know?
*Walks over to the bar after getting up from his Table and sits down on a bar stool*
Bring me some Black Mountain Ale and yer finest Steak barkeep


Magus of Nothing
Chuckles softly and follows seth, struggling up the bar stool and sitting down smiling.
Come, Barkeep, just a little drink. I can pay ye with music.
Draws out flute and smiles up at him.
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