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Game of Thrones [No Book Spoilers, but filled with TV Series Spoilers!]


Retired Staff
True she got rid of Joffrey, but she gains nothing from it. (From a perspective of bettering her house, that is.)
But isn't that what they all try to do? I mean, the only pure motivation I've seen from all those houses to start a war is to get personal gain from it...


One motivation for the Tyrells is that the new King that will be Tommen would be much easier to manipulate than Jeoffrey since he is not a psycho.. As far as we can see.

Also, a lovely incest rape scene to start off the week.


Lord of Altera
I watch Game of Thrones with my parents. You have by far no idea how awkward it is to watch sex scenes, especially when they include the Prince...


Lord of Altera
One motivation for the Tyrells is that the new King that will be Tommen would be much easier to manipulate than Jeoffrey since he is not a psycho.. As far as we can see.

Also, a lovely incest rape scene to start off the week.
It was odd, because it was a lot less rapey in the books


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
That scene was very ruining to both characters. I don't even know show. Why did you go there. Way to take agency away from women yet again.

Well, at least I got my creepy-ship started. The sansa ship has set sail~


Lord of Altera
Please, someone that knows about LS please PM me. LS is a shortcut name for someone. DONT GOOGLE IT. It could spoil something for you.


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
grr. No.

I did like it thought. Sansa Stark scenes are always a delight to me. My quiet little queen.
And the last scene, of course. It had all the anger of Obrynn right there and you can just feel his anger. Wooo.