Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Game of Thrones [No Book Spoilers, but filled with TV Series Spoilers!]


Legend of Altera
The minute he started shouting like an idiot i was just "He's going to trip and die" five seconds later he dies. ._.
But Ellaria Sands reaction was just. . .well top notch acting ;-;


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
The minute he started shouting like an idiot i was just "He's going to trip and die" five seconds later he dies. ._.
But Ellaria Sands reaction was just. . .well top notch acting ;-;
Yeah... the flashy fighting style was fine, because he was getting the job done at the same time and actually dodging attacks.
But the moment he started obsessing over getting a confession was the moment I realized he was gonna die...


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
...I secretly desired for the show to diverge from the books just a weee bit there... because the Red Viper is awesome... but no... it could not be.


Legend of Altera
"OH HEY! A character with a great backstory and lots of reason to live and an instant fan favorite for his whits and his combat skills? Hmmmmm i know just the way to deal with him!" *dead* xD Gotta love G.R.R.M