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[Inactive] Gold and Purple, the Siren Song


Lord of Altera
... well Im going to my secret character profile to get her basic traits, which were mainly ripped from her parents...
and color code them by parent. magenta for Aellana, blue for John, yellow for both
Strengths: reasoned, polite, determined and passionate.
Weaknesses: stubborn, obsessive, hotheaded yet cold
Body: she’s very strong and healthy, and her elven blood gives her a swiftness that she revels in. she is most comfortable when she doesn’t think, she can endure most physical tests.
Mind: strong emotional stability, a fast learner. However, she is indecisive, and has difficulty making judgment calls
Spirit: willful and determined. When she pushes towards her goals, she is a force to be reckoned with. The problem is, she doesn’t know where to push.
it's uh...
more than half John traits when you look at it objectively.
12 john traits vs 8 aellana traits. not counting her gender and race.

the rest of the information about her is /really/ vague and neutral.
I don't know where you're getting this "she cant be Lavoyarde" from.

also I made this:
Saella knight copy.png
and I was also having all these "what if Joan of Arc parallels" thoughts one time.


Lord of Altera
eeeeewwwwwww who's this loser???? get away

daddy I love you dont leave me

the actual gimmick I have planned is more along the lines of "rejects the parent that wins the custody battle to seek out the parent that loses the custody battle" rather than "says no to everything"
which at first glance DOES look like shes saying no to everything. 'cest la vie~

but beyond the gimmick, whats actually going on in her little head is the direct result of her own family constantly battling over ownership of a child. she will be constantly told that she should be one one side of the fence or the other, either a Beaumont or a Senatoor, either Jeanne or Serella, and ultimately, she will experience an identity crisis, rebel spectacularly, and attempt to become her own person.
I'm planning for her to be a child who, because of her genetics (ehehe), is stubborn, hotheaded, and independent, but will be raised to obey. think of it as nature vs nurture, in more ways than one.
this is why I made that post entitled "the Path", thats why she's "The Child Torn Apart",

because as Jeanne Serella grows up, she will ultimately be forced to choose a Path, choose her name, choose her destiny.
and ultimately, it will be a decision she will have to make on her own, no matter how boneheaded that decision is.

but seriously, she could become an Engem. she could follow Jishrim. depends on what you guys do~
I think she would be welcomed among the Engem :3


Lord of Altera
If you wanna get technical, the sun in the sky is a star.... You were worshipping a dead Star and a new one took its place.... But the old one was still dead
Er- What does it being a star have to do with anything?