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Joakim the Bard


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff

Jo Stylised.jpg


Name: Joakim
Nickname: He calls himself Jo
Titles: Bard, poet, vagabond, charlatan, wastrel...
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Half-Elf (human dominant)
Profession: Entertainer extraordinaire~
Height: Taller than most women, shorter than most men.
Weight: how dare u
Voice: Colm McGuinness

Homeland: Doesn't like to talk about it.
Home: Forthyr's Rock, though he's rarely there.

[Waves by Frederick Judd Waugh (1861 - 1940)]


Appearance: He has a slightly impish face, elfin in nature, with sharp eyes and quick expressions.
He affects a relaxed, laidback demeanour, but his energy changes quickly at the slightest provocation:
from dozing to joking in a heartbeat. He's a bit like a collie dog in human form. When he smiles,
it's often at someone else's expense, but it's all in good fun. His step is light, his fingers are quick,
his eyes seem to be weighing the value of everything they see.

Build: Thin - skipped one too many meals on the road.
Hair: Black-brown, unkempt.
Eyes: Grey-blue.
Skin: A little pale, fairly clear.
Hygiene: He's a teenage boy who travels a lot - but generally good in spite of this!
Mannerisms: Has an incredibly expressive face and seems to like cycling through as many of those
expressions as possible during any given conversation. This leads to the impression that Jo wears his
heart on his sleeve - OR that he's constantly bullshitting. It's hard to tell.

Scars/Tattoos: A thin vertical scar over his solar plexus.
Broken bones: He once broke his little toe and it was the most painful experience of his life.


Virtues and Vices.png

Intelligence: He thinks he's a genius but he's a 6/10 at best.
Writing: Terrible. His notebooks look like a toddler's.

Known languages:


Phobias: None that he knows of!
Memory: His brain is full of lyrics
and melodies, no room for anything else.

Allergies: Dogs (but he loves them anyway).
Addictions: Several vices, all best found out IC.

Passionate, emotionally willing
Animated, interested, engaged
Accepting, tolerant, forgiving
Spontaneous, encouraging

Noncommittal, itchy-footed
Forgetful, inconsiderate
Wayward, distracted
Irreverent, impious
Powerful women

Sleeping pattern: No.

Temper: Easy breezy...
Pet peeves: A dull audience.
Fears: That he won't be remembered when he's gone.
Hobbies: Meeting new people. Playing new songs. Drinking new drinks.
Sense of humour: Always ready to laugh. Finds it hard to take literally anything seriously.
Dreams and nightmares: Golden sands... sunlight refracted through shallow waters... salt on the wind and in the hair.

Trained Skills:
Music: Jo has played music all his life. He particularly excels with strings, but has received formal training in many instruments
Skulduggery: Quiet steps, quick fingers. Out of necessity more than anything else, but he does enjoy the mischief of it.

Shipwreck, 1883 Ivan Aivasozky.jpg
[Shipwreck, 1883 - Ivan Avaizosky]


Personality: Jo affects an air of nonchalance and neutrality, apparently guided by whim
and fancy alone. He does what he likes whenever he chooses, and expects the same
from those around him. At least, this is the impression that he aims to give off.

Religion: Although initially unbothered by the gods of Altera, Jo has discovered Jax and
is finding himself drawn increasingly to his tenets, partly because he's already been
living by them out of happenstance, and partly because the thought of having Luck
on his side is deeply attractive.

Short-term Goals:
Meet Jax
Woo a Sister
Prank a nobleman
Earn a bit of money

Long-term Goals:

Find an instrument
Be free of the demon



Simple, heavily worn underclothes
A well made but slightly tattered blue doublet, with gold trim
Expensive but weathered boots, gloves and belt
A cashmere winter's cloak in deep red, with ermine fur trim
A silver ring, the band a twisted swirl

A small birch pendant, carved to look like a lute engraved with notes, given by Sylvia in Eldpoint
A lute, carved from oak. Simply made, but with a lot of effort put in, given by Sylvia in Halbed
A red cloak, given by Sylvia at the Spring Fair
A silver ring, given by Sylvia at the Spring Fair

A room at Castellan Rose's castle, Forthyr's Rock
A room at Konung Cymic's palace in Halbed

A small allowance at her Princess Royal Amelia's generosity

A small apartment in the castle of Forthyr's Rock

Lands: Nil.
Funds: Nil.
Pets: Nil.


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Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
Friends and Foes.png

Konung Cymic I, Krakensbane: At first, Cymic was nothing more than an excellent brag
for Jo's bardic credentials ('played for kings, mate'), but Jo has become enamoured with the
rough-and-tumble lifestyle that Cymic seems to lead, and can see that the Konung is
kind-hearted and moral. The bastard still owes him money, though. Cymic_

Aleksandr: Initially amused by the short-spoken, dangerous looking northman that follows
Cymic around wherever he goes. He likes his company though, and is often surprised by the
poesy of Aleks' words, plus, he seems like the right guy to have on your side in a fight. joshun

Amelia Rose: See weaknesses. Map

Sylvia Adva, the Author: 'She's a sellout. Why would she surround herself with her abusers
just for some boy she likes? Ah well. At least she doesn't hang around Mel anymore.' Fluffy Bristle

Ventare, the Fourth Apostle: The man terrifies him. Since the possession, Jo has held Ventare
in the highest degree of respect and awe, and would do his utmost to avoid crossing him in any way. Shao

Anwar Attia, the Light-hearted Tailor: His favourite bartender. Feels at ease around the man -
they have much in common, and Jo looks forward to the day that they can share a tune as well. adam_unavailable

Melarue Lydril: Mel has a handsome charm and is exactly the sort Jo would, in other
circumstances, tactlessly attempt to woo, but while he enjoys her charisma and spontaneity, he
perceives an undercurrent of danger and menace that surrounds her and affects those she associates
with. He's not sure if he's just imagining it or not - but regardless, she puts him on edge. Elz

Kharn Sicarus: Wormboy is, in Jo's eyes, so incredibly archetypally 'adventurer' that he
always feels slightly starstruck around him. Kharn embodies everything Jo thinks a swashbuckling,
daring, courageous and reckless story-maker should be. Of course, he can't let Kharn know he
thinks this. Jo is very keen on sticking close to Kharn, as he's sure he'd never be short on material. Warwolf


Cymic: His first customer. Commissioned an incredibly debauched and distasteful ballad with which to enrage Lord Westmay and Lady Kane. They were both nearly vaporised at the debut.

Amelia: Employed as her Princess Royal's bard, a title which comes with a small allowance and lodgings at Amelia's castle. He has yet to actually write her anything, but performs throughout Aethel Deira for free.

Somnastra: Hired to write the telling of the great worm-slaying, paid with a horse and cart, and the promise of more adventures.

Joakim Unpossessed.pngJoakim Possessed.png
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Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
Made it look pretty :3

Also big updates (appearance, demeanour, goals), he's looking for a leather jacket and cool shades~