Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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La Bette Artwork


The original mute
Bette can you draw one of my rp characters? I don't care which, just whichever one you feel would be more fun. As for payment... Well I can't really pay you -_-


Lord of Altera
Luna, if I write another chapter in my story could you make mine? I promise it will be even better than the last one!


Official Alteran
Can I have a chibi too, please? Yours look REALLY good! =3= I know we haven't RPed much yet, but... please? :) We can RP later if ya like.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
If its mandatory to pay, I guess I have some extra diamonds laying around... How many do you want? I don't have tons of them.


The original mute
Well uh.. You can also pay with rp :p Or anything else :D
I would be glad if you wrote more on your character bio...
I rp with you anyway, I don't have anything else to pay you with. And I can't add anything to my bio because I have no idea where to start :(.


Roleplay keeper
I understand matyio <.< And I would also like to make you one if I knew how the damn your clothes are supposed to look like.


The original mute
It depends which character, Xenai is just like Sally drew him, Xeenal, I can send you his skin?