Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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La Bette Artwork


Roleplay keeper
Girls, girls, you're all pretty...
Now let me make a list. And Kara! Yours was on paper, it's turning out well but preeetty slow.


Roleplay keeper
Okey, this is not the way they are gonna be made, just the list:
Darko. (*cough* I can't promise it'll be cute.. Keep rp'ing :D)
Blarg. (Rp rp write rp)
Matyio. (You don't have to do anything :) I loove your rp.. Gives Luna a good time of peace)
Bluebird. (remember to make mine)
Atk. (But you sir, need to make more rp first)
Jak (Write write write!!)

Phew.. I think that was all. Write if I've forgotten some! Dead and Platz, you two need to find payment and so do you Seth.


Lord of Altera
Okey, this is not the way they are gonna be made, just the list:
Darko. (*cough* I can't promise it'll be cute.. Keep rp'ing :D)
Blarg. (Rp rp write rp)
Matyio. (You don't have to do anything :) I loove your rp.. Gives Luna a good time of peace)
Bluebird. (remember to make mine)
Atk. (But you sir, need to make more rp first)
Jak (Write write write!!)

Phew.. I think that was all. Write if I've forgotten some! Dead and Platz, you two need to find payment and so do you Seth.
Would RP do as payment? Or should I start on a backstory?Or should I give in-game items/ money?I don't know D:


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Alright. I cannot write, that's already been confirmed. I can however tell you of a story that has Mori in it. The Tantara Complex. Wrote by my beloved cousin, Corvus. I can also roleplay with you, Bette, but first I have to move this computer out of my parent's bedroom so I can play when your online.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Hmm... There needs to come to be a sort of... Compromise, between your roleplay schedule and drawing schedule.