Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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La Bette Artwork


Lord of Altera
Could you make one for me please. My char profile is in my signature and could you have him next to a medieval style telescope please. Thanks! :D


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I would love to roleplay with Luna. I'd write my character's story a bit more, but I would fail... Horribly...


Lord of Altera
I've rped with her three times since I asked for one, and I'm not nagging, it's just when she did my other artwork she forgot about mine!


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Gentlemen! She won't be done with all of our pictures in one day. Patience is a virtue, and Bette has other things to do. Just wait, and eventually it shall be done.


The original mute
Also if she isn't finding an image fun when she's doing it, she may put it aside and do others while they are. At one point she said no when I asked because my current rp then was just too difficult or something, she just wasn't finding it fun.