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Active Lady Wake - Echelon 5

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Cantrips Cast: 122
Spell Points Cast: 706

Spells Known: 23 / 25

Last Updated 12th June 2024

IGN: I_am_Wake
Character Name: Lana Wake
Link to Normal Character profile: [X]

Current Echelon: 5
Chosen School: Formistry
Current Specialization: Life

Spell Points: 15

Custom Spells: 6 / 8

Sanctum Location: n/a


Glowing Rose:

Lana's mastery over Life magic shows as her eye shimmers with pure Living Thread, the glow itself, her essentia.
When Lana casts a spell, all veins light up like her eyes.
This glow is light blue, which changes to red if the spell is offensive.
They react accordingly to her emotions: bright if angered or excited, dim if sad, in pain or hurt, so forth.
Sometimes, her veins shimmer when not casting a spell.
Her veins may also light up when using an enchanted/magical object, such as a trinket or runic item (like a memory crystal).

Should Lana will it: her glow can fade away into nothing.
This can only last for up to twelve hours, however, as Lana is surpressing her essentia which urges to flow.
Should she surpress it too often or for more than twelve hours, she will suffer symptoms akin to Sparking Sickness.

Sustained Effects:

Lana's left eye is missing permanently, with unknown silvery glyphs and runes marked upon the skin around it like scarring. The eye cannot be restored by magical means, any eye regrown will become a silvery white hue and blind.

Mentor: Milah Sicarus-Freyr
[X] [X]

Trefor Nesterin
[X] [X]
Keone [X] [X]
Naneki [X] [X]
Sydri Ulamyar [X]
Maebh Alraun [X] [X] [sort of, doesn't really count]
Jason Jayr [X] [X]
[X] [X] [Pending]
Elis Valdisson [X] [Pending]

Spell Share Buddies:
Bliss Bluestone [X] [X]

Name: Numb
Level: 0
Branch: Life
Range: Touch
Duration: One hour
Effect: The mage numbs sensation in whatever their hand is touching, numbing pain to just a dull ache.

Name: Diagnose
Level: 0
Branch: Life
Range: Touch
Duration: Immediate
Effect: The mage may touch a living being and, if there is an illness or injury that will kill it within one year, become aware of roughly how long they have remaining if left untreated. If the being is undead, the mage feels a cold dread instead.

Name: Fleshwarp
Level: 0
Branch: Life
Range: Touch
Duration: Immediate
Effect: The mage uses their hands and fingers to pinch together flesh which then fuses together. The fuse is equivalent in durability to stitches, and equivalent in pain to being stitched up.

Name: Cycle
Level: 0
Branch: Life
Range: Touch
Duration: Immediate
Effect: The caster may cause a seed to immediately germinate; the plant then develops 50% faster until mature. Alternatively, the caster may touch dead organic matter, causing it to decompose 50% faster until completely decomposed; only works on unworked matter that has already begun the decomposition process.

Known spells:

Name: Cleanse
Level: 1
Branch: Life
Range: Touch
Duration: n.a
Effect: The mage sanitizes their tools, and a single wound on a target. Unless numbed, the sanitization process hurts terribly as whatever impurities are in their target’s wound is forced to ooze out with blood.

Name: Hasten
Level: 1
Branch: Life
Range: Touch
Duration: n.a
Effect: The mage causes a minor wound on a person’s body to quicken its natural healing process. If the wound has been tended to, this results in the wound healing after a day. If the wound has not been tended to, then the wound develops a severe infection after a day.

Name: Mutate
Level: 1
Branch: Life
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The caster can manipulate a single minor property of a plant. They may change the plant’s colour, texture, shape, taste or scent. Additionally, they may also either acclimate the plant to its current climate (within reason) or make it resistant to a specific mundane disease or parasite. This effect does not transfer to any progeny of the affected plant.

Name: Oozing Grasp
Level: 1
Branch: Life
Range: Seven meters
Duration: 10 minutes
Effect: The caster unravels Forma from one of their arms, transforming the arm into an amorphous blob of flesh-coloured 'ooze'. This limb moves with the caster's will, able to split into two prehensile tendrils that work in as a single appendage capable of reaching up to a maximum of seven meters. The tendrils are able to manipulate and carry objects that weigh up to eight kilograms, but lack the resilience to attack anything. At the end of the duration, the ooze re-forms into the original limb and the caster feels a dull ache for the next five minutes. If any ooze is separated from the limb, it will remain an inanimate clump. If it is severed or not re-incorporated before the end of the duration, the caster will feel phantom pains in their limb for the next eight hours.

[Trefor's Custom!]

Name: Retch
Level: 1
Branch: Life
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 10 minutes
Effect: The caster manifests their living thread, reaching out to a target within range to manipulate their forma. The target makes a Body + Fortitude roll against the caster's Casting Attribute DC; on a failure, the target feels their stomach churn, a wave of nausea washing over them that gets worse with quick movements. It cannot be ignored or overcome for at least one round of combat, impeding the actions of the target appropriately. The effects of the spell linger until the target passes the save, which they may attempt once a round.
Trefor's Custom!]

Name: Stylist
Level: 1
Branch: Life
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Effect: By brushing one's fingers over short hair or weaving them through longer hair, the mage can lengthen the hair of themselves or a willing target for as long as they continue the motion. If the motion is reversed and fingers are moved in an upwards motion, the hair is shortened instead. This can only be done while the hair is fully loose. Hair that has been altered by the spell swiftly disappears when cut, leaving nothing usable behind. The length can range from floor length to short cropped.

[Bliss's Custom!]

Name: Sanguine Touch
Level: 1
Branch: Life
Range: Touch
Duration: 30 seconds
Effect: The caster touches a willing target and siphons half a pint of blood from their system over the course of the duration. This blood can either be consumed directly by the caster to replenish their blood stores or placed within a vessel by putting their finger within. The target still suffers from blood loss, though does not suffer pain during the spell.
[Sydri's Custom!]

Name: Darkvision
Level: 1
Branch: Life
Range: Self
Duration: 30 Minutes
Effect: The caster alters their eyes to be cat-like, allowing them to see in darkness up to 30 meters. While their eyesight is improved, it requires little light to function properly. During the duration, the mage is blinded by bright lights. It can be ended prematurely.
[Custom Spell!]

Name: Mend Bone
Level: 2
Branch: Life
Range: Touch
Duration: n.a
Effect: The mage is able to fuse broken bones back together by first aligning them, and then holding their hand over them. The bone is a mite more fragile than before until it is given a day to heal, but someone could run on a leg healed in this way for example. It is quite painful to use the affected bone until they have been given a day of rest.

Name: Greater Hasten
Level: 2
Branch: Life
Range: Touch
Duration: n.a
Effects: The mage causes a severe wound on a person’s body to quicken its natural healing process, rapidly renewing damaged skin and tissue. Non-lethal burns, frostbite and flesh wounds are healed over the course of a day, leaving behind scarred and somewhat tender skin. If cast on an untreated wound, it causes a severe and painful infection after six hours. If cast on healed skin, it instead removes scars, birth marks, tattoos and similar over the course of a day.

Name: Oculus
Level: 2
Branch: Life
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The mage places their thumbs over a target's eyes, making the target blind for 24 hours. During this time, the target's eyes undergo restoration, healing partial blindness or other ailments of the eyes. Two casts, spaced a day apart, restore complete, permanent blindness. Furthermore, this spell can also change the eye colour of a person, so long as the eye colour is lore-friendly to that race. Blessings or curses that alter eye colours cannot be altered beyond what is allowed.
[Custom Spell!]

Name: Transfusion
Level: 2
Branch: Life
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: Through manipulation of Forma, blood can be transferred from one person to another magically. The Mage can cast this spell one of two ways: either by touching a single target and transferring their own blood, or by touching two separate targets and transferring their blood between them as a catalyst. This spell transfers either one or two pints of blood, it is up to the caster.

Blood types and races (excluding Constructs) do not play a role, as Forma adjusts the blood to the target after draining another of their own blood to create the spell. If the target already has the maximum amount of blood in their body, the spell does not function and no blood is removed/added. If the blood is tainted or poisoned, the transfer poisons/taints the other's blood also. This spell does not transfer the Vyre curse, but does work on Vyres to restore missing blood to their bodies.

After successful blood transfusion, the receiver of the blood will feel different depending on who they received the blood from (this is flavour and not harmful). For example, if from a Fireblessed or Ignis Blessed, the blood feels warm-- where if from a Vyre or a Grey Lady Blessed, the blood feels cold. This lasts a day and is decided by the player.

Name: Monstrous Arsenal
Level: 2
Branch: Life
Range: Self
Duration: One hour
Effect: The caster unravels the forma in one of their arms or legs and reforms it into a gruesome melee weapon of their choice (must not exceed the length of a longsword), made from hardened flesh and bone. The protruding bones and flesh take on the relative strength of steel, additional threads of muscle sinew and bone reinforcing the weapon to be comparable most other weapons. The appendage affected by this spell has the nerves numbed, meaning that blows against the limb feel a numbed sense of pain, but one that is very muted. If the weapon is destroyed or otherwise broken, the spell ends prematurely and the affected limb will be wounded, the additional sinew and bone crumbling to dust. The caster uses their Casting Attribute in place of Body when using this weapon to perform an action. After the spell ends, the limb returns to normal, but will ache and feel somewhat numb for one OOC day thereafter.

[Trefor's Custom!]

Name: Monstrous Barrier
Level: 2
Branch: Life
Range: Self
Duration: 30 minutes
Effect: The caster unravels the forma in one of their arms or legs and reforms it into a gruesome shield made from hardened flesh and bone. The protruding bones and flesh take on the relative strength of steel, additional threads of muscle sinew and bone reinforcing the limb to withstand most blows from mundane blunt/bladed weaponry and arrows. The appendage affected by this spell has the nerves numbed, meaning that blows against the limb feel a numbed sense of pain, but one that is very muted. If broken, the spell ends prematurely and the affected limb will be wounded, the additional sinew and bone crumbling to dust. The caster uses their CA in place of Body when using this weapon to perform a defensive action. After the spell ends, the limb returns to normal, but will ache and feel somewhat numb for one OOC day thereafter.
[Trefor's Custom!]

Level: 3
Branch: Life
Range: Touch
Duration: n.a
Effect: The mage regrows a body part, such as a limb or organ, for their target. This is done by planting a part of the target, such as blood or a nail or a lock of their hair or so on, and then allowing it to grow as if it were a potted plant. Over the course of one week the desired part will grow from the 'plant' and hang from a stalk. The mage may then reattach it to whence it was severed on the part of the target, and then after one day of being attached it will fully reincorporate into their body and act as a mundane limb again.

Name: Purify
Level: 3
Branch: Life
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Effect: Purifies a willing target of parasites, infections, diseases, toxins, poisons and venoms. Can not cure certain Arcane or Divine afflictions like Vyrism or Pox Arcana.

Name: Amphibian
Level: 3
Branch: Life
Range: Touch
Duration: 12 hours
Effect: The caster places their hands on both sides of their neck or of another person's, and then places their hands on their ears. From there, they alter the targeted individual's anatomy to bear fully functional gills on the sides of their neck and protects their ears from water pressure. This process takes two rounds to complete itself, requiring constant contact with the caster. While the gills are present, they allow a person to remain indefinitely underwater throughout the duration of the spell and breathe through them; their ability to breathe on land remains intact. The gills provide a strong resistance against decompression sickness, allowing for the targeted individual to rise and fall in watery depths with less risk. These gills must be treated with care while they last; they must be kept uncovered, and mustn't have anything which may block, chafe, or other harm them. Otherwise it risks compromising the functioning of the gills.

[Bliss's Custom!]

Name: Recover
Level: 3
Branch: Life
Range: Touch
Duration: N/a
Effect: The caster holds their hand over a singular serious or lethal injury. Both external (flesh wounds, burns, etc.) and internal injuries (damaged organs, blood vessels, etc.) are rapidly healed and recovered over the course of two (non-lethal injury) to three (lethal injury) turns. Broken or fractured bones are realigned and repaired, but the fused bone will sting whenever weight is applied to it for the next day. The spell will not remove objects in the skin or body, but will fix issues created by the injury itself (e.g. Blood in the lungs).

Name: Endure
Level: 3
Branch: Life
Range: Self or Touch
Duration: 1 Hour
Effect: The caster can instantly grow temporary muscle fibres over a deep or lethal wound on themselves as a reaction, or over a similar wound they are touching on another as an action; internal or external; that strings together before one's eyes. It dulls pain to a dull ache. After an hour, the fibres melt away, reopening the wound.
[Custom Spell!]

Level: 4
Branch: Life
Range: Touch/Self
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The caster places their hands upon a target for one minute, placing them in a sort of stasis for 15 minutes as their injuries knit themselves back together; both lethal and non-lethal alike. The skin over the injuries is pale for a week and itches for a day. If the target of the spell has died as a result of their injuries within the last five minutes, they are instead returned to life, the injury which killed them stabilized, but not healed. Should they take a strong hit to one of these stabilized injuries or strain themselves beyond normal daily conduct, the stabilized wounds will be ripped open once more, likely endangering their life once more. Cannot return targets to life who have had their organs removed/completely destroyed as a result of their death.

Name: Bodysculpt
Level: 4
Branch: Life
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Effect: Placing a hand on a consenting individual (or self), the caster may change the appearance and/or gender of the target. These changes are permanent. The race cannot be changed nor mimicked. Eye colours cannot be changed. The transformation causes varying degrees of pain depending on what is changed which can last days or weeks. The spell takes one hour to cast with concentration.
[Custom Spell!]

Name: Unfettered
Level: 4
Branch: Life
Range: Self
Duration: 2 hours
Effect: The mage manipulates their body to grow a pair of wings on their back that can resemble any natural flying creature's (Birdlike, Batlike, etc.) or take on a more nature-based look (plantlife, branches, foliage, etc.). These wings allow the mage to fly at sprinting speed and allow them to still carry up to 150kg with any worn armor and weaponry counting towards this carry limit. While carrying any total weight over half of this limit, the mage's flight speed is halved. As a trade-off, the wings require at least the upper back of the mage to be left exposed in order for them to both form and move properly. Pain and harm can be inflicted on the wings as they count as actual limbs of the mage's body. At the end of the duration or when either wing is severed, both wings will rapidly wither until gone, with the mage's back left unharmed but itchy and sensitive for the next hour. This spell can be ended early.
Bliss's Custom!]

Revitalizing Meditation
Level: 4
Branch: Life
Range: Self
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The mage enters a meditative pose, entering a form of calm that begins to reverse aging. The longer in this state of meditation, the younger they become. Each day meditating counts toward a month reversed. During meditation, the mage cannot move, yet suffers no-ill effects from the climates, stillness or illness. They may converse in this state, but the spell ends if they move or become upset. If attacked in this state, the mage suffers disadvantage on all rolls for 3 rounds. This spell does not heal. Cannot age down from 18 years of age.
[Custom Spell!]
Last edited:

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff

Magic yearns.

It's the raw stuff of chaos that desires order.
It wants to be formed, shaped and canalized.
It longs to be built--to become something.

Lana is now an Apprentice in Formistry.
Last edited:

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff

Rework Updated
There is no established format yet so I may need to update it again


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper

Rework Updated
There is no established format yet so I may need to update it again
(It's on the Magic Application thread)
Edit: although SP and Spells Known could do with adding..
Last edited:

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
(It's on the Magic Application thread)
Edit: although SP and Spells Known could do with adding..
Updated with the correct terminology
I also added Kam now as a mentor and added a "Cantrip" and "Spell" counter for spells cast.

Lana has already used 4 Cantrips in the last hour trying to help Athryl with his new status.

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Reformatted with new format, with exception of "current status" as I moved that instead to the top.
Also added Lana's new custom spell!

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Lana reached over 200 casts today and used her first level 4 spell today too!

Also thanks to JennyBean I've added customs to the spell list not of my own! :D Trefor best student become master :heart:

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Bump for 350 spell points cast!

Made the thread readable in Dark Mode!

Added Sanctum and Lana's new students!

I can apply for E5 in exactly one month's time!