Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera
Please stop.

This isnt even directed at anyone in particular, just to everyone,

Please stop metagaming.

Its not fun. People are crying because the meta is just overwhelming.
Stop the meta.

This has been a public service announcement.


Lord of Altera

I thought maybe people could

Discuss how we as the community are going to stop the rampant metagaming.
See, its one thing to just say "stop metagaming," but the long-term solution will have to start with serious soul-searching, by all of us as a community.

Ask yourself, "do I metagame?"
"What sort of things can I do in order to prevent metagaming?"

I have a few ideas, but I'll wait until everyone voices their opinion.

Also, lets keep this civil. We're not going to accuse other people of metagaming, alright? If a specific scenario must be discussed as an example, replace all names with names from a popular anime or something. For example:

"I personally thought sasuke's excuse of "itachi was acting really suspicious, so i just deduced he was a member of the akatsuki" was really poor. That was totally meta"

That'll curb the drama.


Lord of Altera

There are multiple forms of metagaming that I've noticed. I'll list them in order of common occurrence.

1) Arranging an RP meet up through OOC means.
2) Using OOC information in an IC way.
3) Using the map to figure out where RP might be occurring. ((same as #2 but deserves its own mention))
4) Through purely OOC means ( OOC building, OOC discussion, etc ) causing something IC to happen.
5) Inviting someone to join you someplace OOC but then turning it into an IC event.
6) Harassing someone OOC because of something they have done IC.
7) Sharing money between accounts/characters.

There are more, I might come back and add to this list.

The points I made are truly examples of metagaming.
It is playing the game OUTSIDE of the game ((i lost the game))

Everything that is IC keep it IC or else you are indeed participating in the metagame.

If I were getting nitpicky I would point out checking out someone's profile is a form of meta.
Frankly BECAUSE of this form of metagame i actually was keeping a profile for one of my characters in pm.

To be fair I consider myself something of an extremist when it comes to viewing what constitutes metagaming, but many many people - actually everyone, metagames.
Despite my best efforts, even I play the metagame on occasion.
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Lord of Altera
There are multiple forms of metagaming that I've noticed. I'll list them in order of common occurrence.

1) Arranging an RP meet up through OOC means.
2) Using OOC information in an IC way.
3) Through purely OOC means ( OOC building, OOC discussion, etc ) causing something IC to happen.
4) Harassing someone OOC because of something they have done IC.
5) Sharing money between accounts/characters.

There are more, I might come back and add to this list.
ad 1)
I already referred to the first one in the past(negatively btw) - that one has been declared allowed.


Lord of Altera
It's not metagaming to ask to roleplay with somebody else, I personally find it silly someone even thinks it is.


Lord of Altera
There are multiple forms of metagaming that I've noticed. I'll list them in order of common occurrence.

1) Arranging an RP meet up through OOC means.
2) Using OOC information in an IC way.
3) Through purely OOC means ( OOC building, OOC discussion, etc ) causing something IC to happen.
4) Harassing someone OOC because of something they have done IC.

There are more, I might come back and add to this list.
I totally agree. The biggest issue I've seen is people using the dynamic map to figure out where conglomerations of people gather and then traveling there in-characterly. I also see people going to events that they wouldn't have been invited to or wouldn't have a motive for going to. Its extremely frustrating when people feel entitled to know-and-go when some of us are trying our best to build and evolve our characters through legitimate roleplay and character-progression. I've seen people abuse information that's in character profiles that they wouldn't know, I've seen people not be at an event and then suddenly have knowledge of everything that occurred- metagaming is a slippery slope!
Anywho, we could help prevent metagaming by making sure those who are metagaming get reported or caught with evidence, because if they aren't caught then they are free to do it over and over again.


Lord of Altera
It's not metagaming to ask to roleplay with somebody else, I personally find it silly someone even thinks it is.
Disagree with me all you like, but it truly is playing in the meta to ask someone ooc, who might not even be "physically" near you for rp.
In modern/futuristic RP settings you can use an IC phonecall to arrange these.
I realize we play medievalesque here though, so phonecalls are not a thing we'd have. Perhaps someone can develop a way for people to try and arrange RP in a more IC way? Trained birds maybe?


Lord of Altera
... *coughs* in my personal opinion, oocly arranging a rp does qualify as meta.

It's allowed because if a proper explanation is given, and both parties agree, it doesn't disrupt anyone's suspension of disbelief and its not unfair towards any parties.

As in, it's not BAD metagaming.
Lots of kinds of meta are bad. That one just lets a story progress and keeps people from being bored.

I can see why people would want to curb it, however. I personally try to avoid it.


Lord of Altera
Disagree with me all you like, but it truly is playing in the meta to ask someone ooc, who might not even be "physically" near you for rp.
In modern/futuristic RP settings you can use an IC phonecall to arrange these.
I realize we play medievalesque here though, so phonecalls are not a thing we'd have. Perhaps someone can develop a way for people to try and arrange RP in a more IC way? Trained birds maybe?
Maybe the @ messaging system can be owls that send mail for us :)?


Lord of Altera
Maybe the @ messaging system can be owls that send mail for us :)?
In another server that I sometimes play on, we don't have cellphones or anything like that either.
We do actually use @ messages to represent birds/etc carrying messages around, and I rather like that.


Lord of Altera
Maybe the @ messaging system can be owls that send mail for us :)?
Or maybe we could use the APS! I always wanted more excuses for making letters, and they are usually delivered in a timely manner, so I believe it could prove to be a faithful system! (Because who doesn't like receiving mail?!)


Lord of Altera
Or maybe we could use the APS! I always wanted more excuses for making letters, and they are usually delivered in a timely manner, so I believe it could prove to be a faithful system! (Because who doesn't like receiving mail?!)
This would work very well as well, however it doesn't work instantly...


Lord of Altera
This would work very well as well, however it doesn't work instantly...
Hmmm, well I do fancy the idea of trained owls/birds, so maybe the APS could say.. create a faster way of communication in roleplay (Like spending time to in-characterly train birds or something) that way we can utilize them for semi-instant message delivery.
On the flip-side, maybe we could say that we have to wait a certain (short) amount of time depending on our in-character distance from eachother in order to receive the message? I think that'd be neat. ~Although we would have to take the responsibility of coming up with a fun or unique way of doing that.


Lord of Altera
Or maybe we could use the APS! I always wanted more excuses for making letters, and they are usually delivered in a timely manner, so I believe it could prove to be a faithful system! (Because who doesn't like receiving mail?!)
Me and you use the mailboxes to communicate and such when we want to set times for RP. :)
I usually use the @ as a bird of some sort, to do meetups and stuff.


Lord of Altera
So if I'm not allowed to use the map to find RP, am I just supposed to sit in my secluded village for two hours and wait for a player to pass by? :c


Lord of Altera
So if I'm not allowed to use the map to find RP, am I just supposed to sit in my secluded village for two hours and wait for a player to pass by? :c
Why not go out and have your character walk around?
Why not get involved in RP in an IC way, rather than use your OOC desires?
If you are choosing to have your character sit in your lonely village, why even bother to join RP events?


Lord of Altera
Why not go out and have your character walk around?
Why not get involved in RP in an IC way, rather than use your OOC desires?
If you are choosing to have your character sit in your lonely village, why even bother to join RP events?
Some of us don't have the time to walk around aimlessly through all the areas of Altera only to look for someone to talk to. Sometimes I just want to log on an have some fun roleplay. I mean come on, I don't like meta gaming either, but there's got to be a limit?