Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Ownership transition


Retired Staff
About a month ago, Som started a discussion with staff, and let us know that after roughly two years, she was planning on stepping down as server owner. We were given a couple of choices; the first, to give her three names meeting certain criteria that we could all agree on as a prospective owner. If we could not agree on at least one name, the second choice would be to shut down the server.

We, minus Som, talked it over pretty much constantly for the better part of two weeks. Multiple names were put forward, and discussed in-depth. Eventually, we had three names which we gave to Som. About two weeks ago, Som asked me to take over as owner of Hollow World and, well, here we are.

At this stage, Som is taking a break from the server. I'm not sure how long this break will be for, or if it will be permanent.

Som, you said it yourself to staff - everything you have done has been with the best interest of the server at heart. Regardless of anything else; through the ups and downs, you have worked your absolute arse off for this server and no one can deny that. I cannot thank you enough for your dedication to the server and the community.

It may come as a surprise to those that are familiar with me, but I am not actually a radish and am, in fact, human. I will make mistakes. I will fuck up. I will try not to, but it will happen. Please be patient and understanding with me when it happens. If I mess up, I'm open to constructive criticism. I'm not saying it won't hurt, because I'm not a robot, but I will listen.

Sometimes, I will make calls and decisions that a player, or players, won't agree with. I won't always be able to keep everyone happy, because we don't always have the same opinion on things. My door will always be open and I will always be willing to talk about things. I might not necessarily change my mind, but I will always acknowledge what is said and take it on board. I will always be open to reasonable conversation. On that note, if you have something you want to discuss, feel free to flick me a PM anytime. If things are working, or aren't working, my door is always open.

I've mentioned it already, but please be patient. This is a fairly big transition for me; I've got a lot to learn, and an awful lot to review and poke around in. Things will take a little bit of time, and the to-do list is mighty long. We have a fantastic staff team to help me get into the swing of things though, so I'm optimistic. Ultimately, I just want Hollow World to be a great server with a great community, and I will work my arse off to make that happen.


Lord of Altera

readij has seized the means of production o7 comrade

today is a good day for the server
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Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Shadow admin now rules from a less shady place


Somnastra , I remember when ownership was transferred to you. I remembered having high hopes, having been impressed with your status on the server pre-transfer. I know that I have been gone for a large portion of your ownership status, but in the time I had in the server under your maintenance, I can truthfully say that you are a fantastic manager, leader, and a perfect standard for what a server administrator should be. You did a fantastic job, despite the stresses of plugins, real life, and in-game administration. I know that you and I have had ups and downs, but I hope that you take it to heart when I say I am proud of what you have done, and I hope you do fine with whatever you do or wherever you go. Thank you for your time here at Hollowworld.

Readij You're a cop. It should explain enough. You're going to do fine Read! Do not worry. You've been a fantastic staff member throughout the years, and I know you have what it takes to work with your fellow administrators and moderators of the server to maintain its status of the best roleplaying server out there. You have a fantastic sense of honor, you're smart, and you give fantastic advice. Personally, you've been a fantastic friend to me. You've given me some reality checks when it comes to my horrible ex and my situation back then, but you also decided to give me some advice on my career, which I found fantastic. Now I am not saying that either you or Som are perfect cut outs for a roleplaying fantasy minecraft admin, but everyone has flaws. That is why it's a staff team, and not "the boss" (secretly you're gonna enjoy that title just out of spite of this). So yes, I think you're gonna do alright. It might be stressful, but remember, you have that team.

Good luck to both of you.


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
It may come as a surprise to those that are familiar with me, but I am not actually a radish and am, in fact, human.


Jk, in the short time I've known you, you've been a constructive influence on staff and I have full faith and credibility that you will do great!

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
Woo! Now you CANT be a shadow admin cause ppl will be looking at you ALL... THE... TIME... But no pressure! :D


Bird, Knows What's Good
Retired Staff
how can we possibly allow a tasty vegetable to rule the server wake up sheeple #makehollowworldgreatagain

obviously kidding, best of luck to you!