Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Ownership transition


Lord of Altera
It may come as a surprise to those that are familiar with me, but I am not actually a radish and am, in fact, human.
:eek: Wah, no!

But in all seriousness, absolutely best of luck Readij! Be dauntless and you'll do great!

Also big thanks to Somnastra for the huge amount of dedication and time you've put into this server over the last few years, you've done an amazing job, and I regret not breaking my social anxiety fast enough to get to rp with you!
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The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
I want to thank Somnastra for her service. You did a hard job for two years with little thanks and a whole lot of blame. Agree or disagree with her individual decisions she did her best. Thank you.

Good luck Readji I wish you the best of luck and am curious to see what your first actions will be as owner.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I want to thank Somnastra for her service. You did a hard job for two years with little thanks and a whole lot of blame. Agree or disagree with her individual decisions she did her best. Thank you.

Good luck Readji I wish you the best of luck and am curious to see what your first actions will be as owner.
everyone is skyrat-race now


Lord of Altera
Thank you Som for everything you've done and helped me with, and congratulations to Readij, you'll do amerzin~


Lord of Altera
I want to thank Somnastra for a wonderful service on this server. I've been through quite a few reigns of ownership throughout the years here, and I really think that under Som and her immediate predecessor, Sally, this server really grew, and was a very influential part of my life throughout my time here. Not saying that under cherb it wasn't great, it's just that I have my best memories from the time that those two were admins on the server.

I've known Readij for quite awhile now, she's one of the most giving people I have ever met. I believe that she will be a very good owner, because she was always available for conversation in my time with her here. This is one of the best changes that I have seen for this server in quite awhile, possibly excepting the destruction of PS.


Yū Yi
Does this mean DJ Dread is in the house? :D

Best of luck, and if Som sees this; Thank you for all you have done :heart:


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Important question, are you also gonna steal a Cherbert rainbow or be original and create your own radish rating?